Discover everything you need to know about booking a trip with Drumwit



To make it easier to understand us, we hereby provide you with the definitions of the key words that we will use in these "Terms and Conditions" with a view to understanding the general framework of the relationships that we will enter into should you contract any of our "Drumwit Packs". Let's start with, "Drumwit Trip", which is the most important, and then continue in alphabetical order.

PLEASE ask us any questions you might have about these "General Terms and Conditions" before accepting them and completing your "Booking".

1.1. "Drumwit Trip", "DRUMWIT Package" or"Drumwit Pack":

Package deal that comprises an "Outbound flight" and a "Return flight" per person with the airline(s) chosen by "DRUMWIT" and the accommodation, as indicated, for the number of nights contracted by the "Customer", (accruing an "Extra Cost" for any "Additional Night(s)"), in the "Establishment" located in one of the "Surprise Destination" cities in Europe offered on the DRUMWIT "Website" when contracting the "Drumwit Trip".

The "Destination City" of the "Drumwit Trip" shall always be different from the "Departure City" (see Condition 1.15).

The "Establishment", the "Destination" and the corresponding "Flights", shall be chosen and managed by DRUMWIT, in accordance with the "Travel Dates" chosen by the "Customer", between the "Available Dates" on our "Calendar" (with the Dates indicated in our "Calendar" as "High Demand Dates" or "Last Available Dates" accruing an "Extra Cost"), the "Rejected Destination(s)" (with additional "Rejected Destination(s) accruing an "Extra Cost") and the other restrictions indicated by the "Customer" during the "Booking Process".

The definitions of all these words in quotation marks can be found in Condition 1, "DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL FRAMEWORK", in alphabetical order.

The "Customer" (see Condition 1.17) and/or the "Beneficiary", "Traveller" or "Passenger" (see Condition 1.9) shall not know the "Destination" of the "Drumwit Trip" ("Flights", "Accommodation", etc.) when contracting the "Drumwit Pack", and shall receive the "Travel Documentation" between 2 to 3 days before the "Outbound Flight" and, at the latest, 10 hours beforehand, as our product includes an element of SURPRISE, which makes the experience more exciting and intriguing, a format that the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" hereby expressly accept when travelling with DRUMWIT, as they are trips of an entertainment or leisure nature, without a specific destination or purpose beyond the pure enjoyment of "Travellers", with this element of surprise.
The "Drumwit Trip" is always subject to availability (which you can check in our "Calendar") and is operated by one or more "Aircraft Operator(s)" and other "Partner(s)" who are third parties to DRUMWIT and over whom DRUMWIT has no control.

The "Travel Dates", as well as the number of "Passenger(s)" and their identity and other specifications to be stated shall be chosen by the "Customer" when making the "Booking", which must be made on our "Website" (see Condition 1.81). During the "Booking Process", the "Customer" may also opt for, if they so wish, "Additional Rejected Destination(s)" (see Condition 1.28), "Time Restriction(s)" with regard to the "Flights" (see Condition 1.80) and other options offered on our "Website".

ATTENTION: Although our "Booking Process" (see Condition 1.68) includes a "COMMENTS" section, such comments are not binding nor obligatory for DRUMWIT. They shall be understood as mere wishes of the "Customer" and/or "Beneficiary", which we shall, of course, do our utmost to accommodate.

There are two types of "Drumwit Trips", both of which are based on the same philosophy, with an element of SURPRISE, albeit with some differences, such as the price, as explained below:

  • the basic pack or "Standard Pack" (defined in Condition 1.59); and
  • and the complete pack or "Deluxe pack" (defined in Condition1.60).

The "Customer" shall be able to choose between these options when booking with DRUMWIT.

Once you have chosen an option ("Standard Pack"/"Deluxe Pack"), and completed the "Booking Process", you won't be able to modify any of these choices, unless you previously and directly get in touch with "Us" and it is feasible to make the change, with the "Customer" having to pay any applicable price difference, at their exclusive expense, should said change be possible. Nevertheless, if during the "Booking Process" the "Customer" selects "Drumwit Flexibility", at the "Extra" cost indicated on the "Website", they can either postpone or modify the dates of the "Drumwit Trip" or modify the name(s) of the traveller(s) up to thirty (30) calendar days before the scheduled start date of the "Drumwit Trip" (see Condition 1.42).

To see the items included and excluded from the "Drumwit Pack", read Conditions 1.67 ("PRICE) and Condition 5 ("DRUMWIT TRIP PRICE").

The "Beneficiary" hereby accepts all decisions made by the "Customer", if it is not the same person, and validates all information and documentation provided by the "Customer" to DRUMWIT. To see all the responsibilities, rights and obligations assumed by the "Beneficiary", go to the Condition 1.9.

IMPORTANT: Due to the nature of the "Drumwit Trip", it's virtually impossible to assign or transfer our "Drumwit Pack" to people other than the "Beneficiary(ies)", unless the "Customer" has selected the "Drumwit Flexibility" option during the "Booking Process" (see Condition 1.42), as the economic and security conditions required by the "Airlines" and other "Operators" to be able to do so are so significant that, in fact, it would entail paying for the service all over again (please carefully read Condition 8, on the non-transferable nature of the "Drumwit Trip", for more information). They are also non-exchangeable and cannot be cancelled (please read Conditions 9, on the non-refundable nature of the "Drumwit Pack", for more information). Accepting these "Conditions" shall imply the express acceptance thereof by the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary". The only way to gift a "Drumwit Trip" is by purchasing a "Drumwit Gift Card". For more details, read Condition 11 "GIFT DRUMWIT: THE DRUMWIT GIFT CARD".

1.2. "Airlines":

See Condition 1.19 ("AIRLINES AND AIRPORTS").

1.3. "Aircraft":

Aeroplane operated by the "AIRLINE".

1.4. "Airport" and/or "Airports":

See Condition 1.19 ("AIRLINES AND AIRPORTS").

1.5. "Accommodation":

See Condition 1.35 ("ESTABLISHMENT" or "ACCOMMODATION").

1.6. "Animal(s)":

See Condition 1.48 ("PET(S)" and 18 ("ANIMALS OR PETS").

1.7. "Seats allocated for the Outbound and/or Return Flight":

The airfare that "We" work with is the most basic fare, with which you cannot choose a seat, unless you purchase the "Seats together guaranteed" "Extra" (See Condition 1.8.). Therefore, unless this "Extra" has been contracted, when DRUMWIT can process the "Boarding Passes", free of charge and digitally, it shall do so always ensuring that the distribution of the "Beneficiaries'" seats is as optimal as possible (together or in close proximity, if there are several travellers), provided that this does not incur extra charges. When purchasing a "Drumwit Pack", the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" accept this assignment and shall hold Drumwit harmless in this respect, unless they have selected the "Seats together guaranteed" option (See Condition 1.8.).

In no case shall DRUMWIT be held responsible for the seat allocation, which is ultimately assigned by the "Airline", and such seat allocation shall prevail, without any claim being able to be filed in this regard.

Should the "Customer" wish to obtain any advantage, preference or guarantee with regard to the allocation of seats and/or the type of seat (XL seat, first rows, travelling with "Minors", etc.), they may do so by requesting it in the "COMMENTS" section of their "Booking", although such possibility is in no case guaranteed, until it has been verified by the "Airline", in which case it is subject to the conditions set out by the "Airline". In any case, the "Customer" is obliged to pay, when making the "Booking" or subsequently upon being requested by DRUMWIT to do so, the "Extra Cost" which shall be indicated by DRUMWIT, without recourse to any further claim, because it depends entirely on the "Airline", and is beyond the competence of DRUMWIT.

If the "Customer" does not pay the "Extra" requested by DRUMWIT forthwith, DRUMWIT may cancel the "Customer's" seating request and proceed with the "Booking" in accordance with the remaining "Booking" specifications, without taking the request for seat allocation into consideration.

It is hereby noted that, notwithstanding the allocation made, the "Airline" may change the allocation of the seats booked, without the "Customer" or the "Passenger" having any right to file a complaint in this regard, on operational, safety or control grounds or others, in particular when seats are located next to emergency exits (where, for example, passengers who require extended seat belts, pregnant women, minors, passengers with functional disabilities, etc., may not be seated), among others.

If a "Beneficiary" wishes to change their seat, the "Airline" shall assign them a new seat depending on availability or choice. In the hypothetical case that the "Customer" has paid an "Extra" to be allocated the first seat, this charge shall be non-refundable.

The "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary" hereby accept that, in some cases, they must personally and physically obtain their "Boarding Pass" and assign their seats ("check-in") in person at the "Airport" terminal, of origin and/or destination, sufficiently in advance and in accordance with the other conditions set out. Also read Condition 1.73 ("Boarding Pass").

1.8. "Seats together guaranteed":

The "Customer" may purchase the "Extra" at their own expense, in accordance with the amount indicated on the "Website", to ensure that the seats are next to each other, in the event that there is more than one "Drumwit Traveller". Two seats separated only by the aisle of the "Aircraft" shall also be deemed to be adjacent to each other, without the "Customer" being able to request a refund of the extra in question. Also see Condition 1.7. "Seats allocated for the Outbound and/or Return Flight" and Condition 1.36 ("Extra").

1.9. "Beneficiary", "Traveller", or "Passenger".:

Natural person/people who is/are (a) user(s) of the "Drumwit Pack" purchase, in other words passenger(s) on the "Flights" and/or guest(s) of the "Establishment". The "Beneficiary" may, or may not, be the "Customer" who has purchased the "Drumwit Pack" (Also see Condition 1.17, "Customer" or "Contracting Party").

The personal obligations of the "Beneficiary" (deemed to be assumed, on their behalf, by the "Customer", when purchasing the Trip, and by the "Beneficiary", when enjoying or intending to enjoy the "Drumwit Trip" purchased) shall be the following:

  • a) Verify and accept these "Terms and Conditions", which shall be deemed to be fully understood and accepted by them personally (if they are a "Customer") or by delegation, having done so on their behalf by the "Customer" and by the mere fact of being a user of the "Drumwit Pack", and which have the value of "Information prior to the Contract" and form part of the "Contract" entered into with DRUMWIT, which is accepted by the latter.
  • b) Agree that communications will be sent to the "Customer". See Conditions 1.21 and 1.24.
  • c) Make sure that the travel documentation is valid on the "Travel Dates" (ID card, passport, visas, compulsory health documentation, etc.) and that the information and documentation provided to the "Customer" and passed on to DRUMWIT is accurate and complete. This responsibility includes verifying any potential restrictions due to nationality, age, state of health or other personal and/or family circumstances and/or any other reason likely to prevent "Boarding" onto the "Aircraft" and/or entry and/or departure to/from the country of destination. This is particularly important in the case of "Minors", pregnant women (recalling that the "Operator" may require an original copy of medical clearance confirming fitness to fly), or people with special needs or circumstances.
    Also see Conditions 1.26 ("Refusal of entry into a country"); 1.32 ("Boarding"); 1.49 ("Minor(s)") and 1.64 ("Person with legally modified capacity to act").

    Broadly speaking, any person of legal age and without any special restrictions, who is a national of a Schengen Member State, may travel within the EU with only a valid passport or identity card (for more details, see Condition1.34 "Schengen Area"). By means of exception, if there is an epidemic and/or pandemic such as COVID-19 or others, health documentation (e.g. vaccination certificate) shall be required. Furthermore, depending on the circumstances of the "Beneficiary", special paperwork may be required, which must be obtained by the "Beneficiary", with DRUMWIT being held harmless in this regard.

    In any case, the "Beneficiary" shall be responsible for indicating to the "Customer" the Destinations to which they cannot travel. Please note that the Foreigners' Identification Number – also known as the Spanish code for the Tax Identification of Foreigners – is not considered a valid travel document.

    RECOMMENDATION: Please note that holding a valid passport can be useful to speed up the "Airport" security procedures (some airports already have automatic passport readers, which avoids or cuts down on queuing or waiting times, giving you more time to enjoy your "Drumwit Pack"!!!).
  • d) It is hereby understood that the "Beneficiary" accepts all the decisions taken by the "Customer" who has purchased the "Drumwit Pack", the "Time Restriction(s)"; the "Rejected Destinations" and/or any other "Extra", holding DRUMWIT harmless in this regard (always without prejudice to what may be applicable in the relationship between the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary"). The data provided by the "Customer" on its behalf shall also be deemed validated and accepted by the "Beneficiary".
  • e) The "Beneficiary" hereby accepts that the SURPRISE factor of our "Drumwit Pack" is an essential part thereof. Therefore, neither the "Customer" (nor the "Beneficiary") shall be able to choose the "Airline" or the departure or arrival "Airport", nor the "Establishment", as all they can choose is the "Departure City" among those offered by DRUMWIT on our "Website" (it shall be DRUMWIT who chooses the "Airport" should there be several near this city), the "Travel Dates" and the "Rejected Destinations", "Time Restriction(s)" and other options offered on our "Website" (paying an "Extra Charge" if applicable).
  • f) The "Beneficiary" hereby assumes that DRUMWIT makes bulk purchases of airline tickets and bookings in "Establishments", therefore it is not possible to avail of specific advantages in pricing policy such as discounts for large families, residents, loyalty cards, etc., waiving any benefit and claim in this regard.
  • g) Verify the "Travel Documentation" to ensure that all details of the "Drumwit Trip" are correct. Also see Condition 1.30 ("Travel Documentation").
  • h) Print the "Boarding Pass" for the "Flight" which, where possible, DRUMWIT shall send to the "Customer's email address" when sending the "Travel Documentation". If need be, the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary" shall check in online on the website of the "Operator" of the selected Flight or obtain the "Boarding Pass" in person at the corresponding "Airport" terminal. DRUMWIT shall not be held liable in any case or circumstance for any extra "Operator" surcharges derived from the check-in and/or boarding processes, such as not having printed the "Boarding Pass", excess baggage, etc.
  • i) Consult the "Airline" concerned to verify whether there are any specific conditions (such as boarding times, baggage restrictions, rules of conduct or safety rules, rules relating to goods to be taken, fit to fly certificate requirements, etc.) affecting the "Flights".
  • j) Ensure that your "Hand Luggage" meets the requirements set by the "Airline", verifying the conditions set by the "Airline". Also see Condition 1.33 ("Hand Luggage").
  • k) Comply with the security measures for yourself and your "Hand Luggage" (and the people for whom you are responsible) in accordance with the rules applicable at each "Airport", for each "Aircraft" and/or in each "Establishment". Broadly speaking, comply with regulations (monetary, etc.). Refrain from illegal activities in accordance with the regulations of the country of origin and destination or applicable regulations on board the "Aircraft" or within the airport.
  • l) Consult the means of transport available to the departure "Airport" and those available between the arrival "Airport", and the corresponding Terminals, and the "Establishment" or the "Destination City", the cost of which shall always be borne by the "Beneficiary" (or the "Customer") holding DRUMWIT harmless in this regard, and make sure you "Board" or show up sufficiently in advance. Consult the "Airport" of origin and destination to verify the existence of possible specific conditions (such as access, paperwork, switching between terminals, etc.).
  • m) Look into the expected weather conditions for the dates you are travelling, acquire a conventional tour guide (if you so wish), pack suitable clothing and footwear for the "Drumwit Trip" and make sure you have the correct currency, if need be. If necessary, take out specific medical insurance for your "Drumwit Trip" or any other appropriate insurance (see Condition 16 "TRAVEL ASSISTANCE"), and, broadly speaking, adopt all necessary precautions for the "Drumwit Trip". DRUMWIT shall not be held liable in the event that, for any reason (including "Flight" cancellations or delays), the "Beneficiary" is unable to carry out a specific activity, excursion, visit, purchase, etc., that they wish to carry out in the "Destination City".
  • n) Respect the rules of each "Airline" and "Airport" (access and travel documents, access control, early "Boarding", "Seat allocation" and other boarding rules, luggage, no smoking, etc.) and behave properly during your "Drumwit Trip" (undertaking to refrain from being a nuisance in terms of noise, smoking in unauthorised areas, use of equipment, etc.).
  • o) Respect the rules of each "Establishment" and behave appropriately during the "Drumwit Trip" (undertaking to refrain from being a nuisance in terms of noise, smoking in unauthorised areas, use of equipment, etc.).
  • p) In particular, comply with safety and health regulations, codes of conduct, conditions and other rules applicable to "Aircraft", "Airports" and/or "Establishments". In particular, you hereby accept that, for security reasons and/or on grounds of health or public order, you may be required to hand over health documentation, to undergo an X-ray, go through a scanner or similar, or even be physically searched, as well as the taking or checking of your vital signs, samples (antigen test and/or PCR) or medical examination (body temperature, etc.) and/or of your luggage, and you must collaborate in this regard as required. Luggage may be registered or have been registered in the absence of the "Beneficiary". Accept restrictions and prohibitions on certain materials (see Condition 1.54 "Items prohibited as Hand Luggage" and 1.55 "Items which can be taken as Hand Luggage with limitations"), which may lead to confiscation or seizure and/or other consequences, in accordance with applicable law. Broadly speaking, respect the public order and police regulations applicable wherever you are.
  • q) Act responsibly with regard to protecting your own health and the health of the other "Beneficiaries" of the "Drumwit Trip" (in particular if you are travelling with "Minors" or people with special needs or circumstances, including "Legally incapacitated people"). For example, it is the responsibility of the "Beneficiary" to travel with their Health Insurance Card or European Health Insurance Card, medical insurance documentation (if voluntarily taken out), compulsory health documentation, medicines to be taken on the "Travel Dates" and the corresponding medical prescriptions, medical card certifying that they have a pacemaker, fit-to-fly certificates, if applicable, and any medical reports, etc. The Traveller is also obliged to comply with the rules, restrictions, use of accessories (masks, gloves, etc.), quarantine rules, social isolation, distance between people, etc., imposed by the health authorities in the departure city or "Destination", the "Airports" and/or the "Operators" as individual or collective protection measures.

    ATTENTION: Please note that neither the "Aircraft", nor the "Airports", nor the hotel "Establishments" guarantee an environment free of allergens, viruses, bacteria, pathogens, contaminants, etc. and that in all of them there may be contamination of food, surfaces or other products or elements susceptible to be allergenic, contagious or contaminants; furthermore, it is not possible to control that food or other products or components brought on board by other passengers may produce allergic reactions, contagion, etc. It is therefore of utmost importance for any passenger with allergies or pre-existing problems to bring the appropriate medication with them in the event of a crisis situation together with a medical note accrediting the need to bring it with them, notifying the "Plane" cabin crew upon "Boarding". Please note that the "Operators" shall be held harmless in the event of non-compliance with these rules and that the active collaboration of the Traveller may be required in certain matters, such as the use of protective devices, safety distances, etc. (See also Condition 1.45 "Information on health procedures for travelling and staying in the destination country").
  • r) Take out health insurance for the "Drumwit Trip" if deemed appropriate, as well as any other insurance, holding Drumwit harmless in this regard. (See also Condition 1.45 "Information on health procedures for travelling and staying in the destination country").
  • s) Although, in the first instance, it is the "Customer" who undertakes to pay for the "Drumwit Pack", the "Beneficiaries" are obliged, jointly and severally with each other and/or with the "Customer", to assume full payment of the purchased "Drumwit Pack", in the hypothetical event that the "Customer" does not do so or, as the case may be, to suffer the consequences of cancellation of the "Drumwit Trip" not paid and/or any "Extra" not paid (or subsequently returned) by the "Customer", with DRUMWIT being held harmless in this regard. For more details see Conditions 5 ("DRUMWIT TRIP PRICE") and 6 ("PAYMENT CONDITIONS").
  • t) Accept the condition that the "Drumwit Trip" is non-transferable (see Condition 8 "NON-TRANSFERABLE NATURE OF DRUMWIT TRIP ONCE BOOKED") and the consequences thereof, except in the case of having purchased the "Drumwit Flexibility" "Extra" (see Condition 1.42).
  • u) Accept the condition that the "Drumwit Trip" is non-cancellable and non-modifiable at the request of either the "Customer" or the "Beneficiary" (see Condition 9") and the consequences thereof, except in the case of having purchased the "Drumwit Flexibility" "Extra" (see Condition 1.42).
  • v) Any other provision expressly stated in these "Conditions", or in the conditions set by the "Airline", the "Airport" and/or the "Establishment", as well as applicable law (in particular with regard to security, health, protection of "Minors", etc.).
  • w) Any other provision required of the"Customer", if they are also the "Beneficiary".

Should the "Beneficiary" (or the people for whom they are responsible) breach any of their obligations or responsibilities, any consequences arising from such breach shall always be the personal responsibility of the "Beneficiary". In the case of "Beneficiaries" who are "Minors" or who do not have the capacity to legally enter into contract, all obligations and responsibilities indicated herein shall be the responsibility of their legal guardians.

DRUMWIT assumes no responsibility for the validity, non-existence, restrictions, etc., with regard to the responsibilities of the "Beneficiary" and/or other personal circumstances (family issues, work, etc.) that prevent or hinder them from travelling, or modify their "Drumwit Trip", nor may cancellations or modifications be accepted by the "Customer" or the "Beneficiary".

Also see Condition 7 "TRIP CONDITIONS".

1.10. "Calendar" or"DRUMWIT Calendar":

This calendar is that shown on our "Website" and offers the "Available Dates" for the "Drumwit Trip". The "Customer" may choose the departure and return dates from those offered in the "Calendar" as "Available Dates" at the time of "Booking".

Spaces are limited, so some dates may already be full and no new "Bookings" will be accepted (in which case, they'll appear in the "Calendar" as "Unavailable Dates").

The "Calendar" also offers "High Demand Dates" and "Last Available Dates", indicating them as such. These dates incur an "Extra" to be paid by the "Customer", which shall be specified in each case on our "Website" and which shall be added to the "Price" of the "Drumwit Pack".

1.11. "Extra Charge":

See Condition 1.36 ("Extra" or "Extra Cost" or "Extra Charge").

1.12. "Check in":

Process carried out at the "Airport" and/or at the "Establishment" consisting, respectively, of registering the arrival of the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary(ies)" with a view to accessing the "Aircraft" (see Condition 1.32 "Boarding") and, with regard to the "Establishment", to register their arrival and to provide them access to their accommodation. DRUMWIT shall be held harmless.

1.13. "Check-out":

Process carried out by the "Customer" and/or "Beneficiaries", after having stayed in an "Establishment" on their "Drumwit Trip", specifically at the time of departure, to settle any and all outstanding debts or accounts and to hand over the room keys. DRUMWIT shall be held harmless.

1.14. "Departure City":

City chosen as one of the possible points of departure of a "Drumwit Trip" on the "Website" at the time of booking.

1.15. "Destination City":

It is one of the cities offered by the DRUMWIT website when booking the "Drumwit Trip". (Also see Condition 1.29 "Surprise Destination" or "Destination" or "Drumwit Destination"). This shall be chosen by DRUMWIT and shall in no case coincide with the "Departure City".

1.16. "Surprise City":

See Conditions 1.15 ("Destination City") and 1.29 ("Surprise Destination" or "Destination" or "Drumwit Destination").

1.17. "Customer" or "Contracting Party":

Person who purchases the "Drumwit Trip", either as gift or to invite someone else, or for themselves, and may therefore also be a "Beneficiary" of the "Drumwit Trip" (see also Condition 1.9, "Beneficiary" or "Traveller" or "Passenger"):

The following are personal obligations to be assumed by the "Customer":

  • a) By entering into contract with DRUMWIT, the "Customer" hereby declares to be of legal age (over 18 years of age) and that they have the necessary legal capacity under Spanish law, and in accordance with that personally applicable to the “Client”, to enter into contract and, if applicable, to be a "Beneficiary" of the "Drumwit Trip", in accordance with these "Terms and Conditions", which shall be deemed to be fully understood and accepted by the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary(ies)" of the "Drumwit Pack", who the "Customer" represents, without the specific conditions of this representation being passed on to DRUMWIT in any case whatsoever. The "Customer" also hereby declares that they have the due authorisation of the "Beneficiary(ies)" included in the "Booking" to do so, and that they are of legal age and are fully able to act, hold the required documentation to travel in order and in force and do not suffer from any impediments to availing of the Trip. Should any of the "Beneficiaries" be "Minors" or "People with special circumstances that affect their capacity to act", the conditions applicable according to the Law, broadly speaking, and to the circumstances of the particular case (judicial decisions, medical certificates, etc.) must be respected, under the responsibility of the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary" and/or their Guardians or Parents, holding DRUMWIT harmless in this regard. For more details, see Condition 7 on "CONDITIONS OF TRAVEL". The "Customer" hereby undertakes not to use their "Booking" or their "Contract" with DRUMWIT for illegal, improper, unauthorised or improper purposes. In particular, the "Customer" hereby accepts that the "Drumwit Pack" purchased through this "Website" is for their own use, or for the use of people on whose behalf they are authorised to act. The "Customer" may not, under any circumstances, resell or transfer the "Drumwit Pack" purchased in any way whatsoever.
  • b) The "Customer" hereby undertakes to register on the DRUMWIT "WEBSITE", in accordance with the provisions set forth in Condition 3 ("PERSONAL REGISTRATION/ACCESS TO OUR "WEBSITE").
  • c) Similarly, the "Customer" hereby declares that the data, both their own and those of the "Beneficiary(ies)", indicated in their "Booking" are true and correct, including the data vis-à-vis the payment method (see Condition 6, "TERMS OF PAYMENT", where the payment methods authorised by DRUMWIT are indicated), with any error, irregularity or falsehood therein (or, where applicable, in the use of the aforementioned payment method) falling under the full and exclusively exclusive responsibility of said "Customer". If the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" are not the same person, it is hereby assumed that the "Customer" undertakes to pay for the "Drumwit Trip" on behalf of the "Beneficiary(ies)". Nevertheless, in the event that the "Customer" does not end up paying for the "Drumwit Pack" on any grounds whatsoever, the "Beneficiary(ies)" shall be obliged to pay DRUMWIT, jointly and severally with the "Customer" and with each other.

    IMPORTANT: Any "Customer" who makes a "Booking" under a false name or provides false details of other people or uses false or stolen bank cards, or bank cards held by another person without this person's consent, shall be reported by DRUMWIT to the competent authorities, with DRUMWIT reserving all appropriate legal action and being held harmless in this regard.
  • d) The "Customer" shall be responsible for rejecting all "Destinations" to which the "Beneficiary(ies)" cannot travel on any grounds whatsoever (not having the right visas, documentation problems, health issues, etc.). This obligation also applies to the "Beneficiary" to the extent applicable, being required to inform the "Customer" of such fact, with DRUMWIT being held harmless at all times.
  • e) The "Customer" hereby undertakes to verify the accuracy of the "Booking" details, so that, once the "Booking" is completed, any errors, corrections or changes shall be at the "Customer's" expense (if it is possible to do so, subject to the terms set forth in Condition 9).
    IMPORTANT: The "Customer" must pay special attention when entering the names, surnames and other details of the Passengers in the "Booking", which must match those on the documentation shown by the Passenger at the "Airport" and at the "Boarding" or access gate. Abbreviations, diminutives and nicknames are not permitted. If the details of the "Beneficiary" do not match those on their documentation, the "Airline" may deny "Boarding" and/or, if necessary, "refuse entry into the country of destination". DRUMWIT shall be held harmless in this regard.
  • f) The "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" hereby accept that the SURPRISE aspect of our "Drumwit Pack" is a key part thereof, therefore neither the "Airline" nor the "Airport" of departure (though the City of Departure may be selected) nor the "Destination", nor the "Establishment" can be chosen (see Condition 1.9.e)). A sense of adventure and surprise are part of the "Drumwit Pack" experience.
  • g) The "Customer" assumes that DRUMWIT makes bulk purchases of airline tickets and bookings at "Establishments", therefore it is not possible to avail of specific advantages with regard to pricing policies (see Condition 1.9.f)).
  • h) The "Customer" assumes, vis-à-vis DRUMWIT, the position of principal obligor for the full payment of the Trip on behalf of all "Beneficiaries". It is assumed that the "Customer" has obtained authorisation from the "Beneficiary(ies)" to purchase a "Drumwit Trip" on their behalf and, in turn, to accept these Conditions on their behalf. DRUMWIT shall enter into the contractual relationship with the "Customer", who shall be in a position to make the appropriate decisions, both on their own behalf and on behalf of all people for whom they contract ("Beneficiary(ies)"), and for whom they shall act as representative before DRUMWIT, including the chosen options of "Rejected Destinations", "Time Restriction/s", etc. and/or in all "Extras" contracted by the "Customer".
  • i) The "Customer" hereby undertakes to use the services and contents of the DRUMWIT website in accordance with the Law and with these "Terms and Conditions", and must refrain from using them in all cases set forth in Condition 3.2.
  • j) Accept the condition that the "Drumwit Trip" may not be cancelled and is non-modifiable at the request of either the "Customer" or the "Beneficiary" (see Condition 1.9and 9) except in the case of having purchased the "Drumwit Flexibility" "Extra" (see Condition 1.42.
  • k) Accept the condition that the Drumwit Trip is non-transferable (see Condition 8 "NON-TRANSFERABLE NATURE OF DRUMWIT TRIP ONCE BOOKED").
  • I) Any other that is expressly stated in these "Conditions", or in those set by the "Airline", the "Airport" and/or the "Establishment", as well as applicable law (in particular with regard to security, health, damage to "Hand Luggage", etc.).
  • m) Any other required of the "Beneficiary", if they are also the "Customer".
  • n) Communications with DRUMWIT shall be sent by email (see Condition 1.24). They may also communicate with each other via other methods (See Condition 1.21). The "Customer" hereby undertakes to inform the "Beneficiary" of any communications with DRUMWIT.

Also see Condition 7 "TRIP CONDITIONS".

1.18. "Collaborator":

A service provider selected by DRUMWIT that provides the accommodation services and/or, where appropriate, other tourism-related services to the "Beneficiary". The "Collaborator" does not belong to DRUMWIT, as they are a third party, and has its own rules, which are assumed and accepted by the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary", when purchasing and enjoying a "Drumwit Trip", whether they are general conditions of the "Establishment", the Company or Hotel or Tourist Chain managing the "Establishment" chosen by DRUMWIT, or particular conditions, regarding the stay/accommodation for which it is responsible. Also see condition 1.35 ("Establishment").

1.19. "Airline Companies", "Airlines" and "Airports":

Companies responsible for transporting passengers by air ("Airline Companies" or "Airlines" or "Operators") to be selected and chosen by DRUMWIT, within the conditions ("Travel Date", departure city, number of travellers, "Rejected Destinations", "Time restriction(s)", "Drumwit Pack" type) of each "Booking". IF POSSIBLE, the "COMMENTS" left by the "Customer" when making their "Booking" shall be taken into account.

The "Airline" shall be chosen by DRUMWIT, among the various options on the market, including well-known airlines such as "low cost" options that more affordable prices, with basic fare conditions, which is accepted by the "Customer" and by the "Beneficiary" by simply fact of entering into contract with DRUMWIT and/or being a user of a "Drumwit Pack". The "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" hereby assume and accept the general conditions of the "Airline" chosen by DRUMWIT, with regard to the Flights (outbound or return) that it operates.

ATTENTION: The "low cost" "Airlines" are not subject to the general conditions of carriage regulated by IATA (International Air Transport Association). Each low cost "Airline" is subject to its own terms and conditions, therefore we recommend reading them on their respective websites as they are accepted by the "Customer" and by the "Beneficiary" when entering into contract and/or travelling with DRUMWIT.

DRUMWIT shall also choose the "Airport(s)" (terminal, from which the "Aircraft" departs or lands), which is accepted by the "Customer" and by the "Beneficiary" by simply fact of entering into contract with DRUMWIT and/or being a user of a "Drumwit Pack". The "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" hereby assume and accept the general conditions of the "Airport" chosen by DRUMWIT, with regard to the "Flights" it runs.

The "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" must pay attention to their "Travel Documentation" (see Condition 1.30), which shall be provided by DRUMWIT, in accordance with the terms set forth in these "Terms and Conditions", as the departing and arrival "Airport" may differ between the outbound and return journeys, if the city of origin or destination has more than one terminal. Also see the IMPORTANT notification in the obligation set forth in Condition 1.17 (c) ("Customer" or "Contracting Party"), regarding paying particular attention to entering the names, surnames and other details of the "Passengers" in the "Booking".

The security regulations set out that the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary" may be required to go through security detectors, retina or fingerprint scanners and/or other types of searches, controls, medical examinations, tests, etc., including body searches by the "Airport" security staff, which shall be deemed to be accepted by the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" when purchasing or availing of a "Drumwit Pack". In the event of refusal to do so, the "Airport" may withhold and/or the "Airline" may refuse, without refund or other liability, to carry the "Passenger" or their "Hand Luggage". If, for medical reasons, the "Beneficiary" is not obliged to undergo any these controls, they must travel with the corresponding supporting documentation.

1.20. "Purchase":

The "Customer" is understood to have purchased a "Drumwit Pack" when the "Booking Process" is completed. Also see Conditions 1.23 ("Contract"), 1.68 ("Booking Process"), 1.70 ("Booking").

1.21. "Communication between DRUMWIT and the Customer":

Communications shall be sent to the email address that the Customer must provide during the "Booking Process". See Condition 1.24 "Customer email address".

Furthermore, DRUMWIT and the "Customer" may communicate using other channels, such as text message (to the number indicated by the "Customer"), WhatsApp (to the number indicated by the "Customer") or telephone call/s (to the number indicated by the "Customer").

Communications between DRUMWIT and the "Customer" or the "Beneficiary" shall also be presumed to be true and correct and shall be deemed to have been consented to by both parties. The "Customer" accepts that DRUMWIT may contact them on WhatsApp (or similar), even in cases where the Customer ultimately decides not to finalise the DRUMWIT Booking process.

The "Customer" shall keep the "Beneficiary" informed of such communications, holding DRUMWIT harmless in this regard.

1.22. "General Terms and Conditions" or these "Terms and Conditions":

These Conditions, or those which, as the case may be, result from the updating or modification thereof shall be complied with (see Conditions 14 and 22). They must be accepted to complete any "Booking" (which we shall expressly request during your "Drumwit Pack" "Booking Process", with acceptance thereof being a necessary condition to complete the "Booking"), as they shall be understood to be incorporated into, and a substantial part of, the "Contract" signed with DRUMWIT, as part of the agreements entered into with "Us". These Conditions are also applicable to all "Beneficiaries", and the "Customer" must therefore inform the "Beneficiaries" that they have accepted them on their behalf, and that these "Beneficiaries" are subject to these Conditions by simply fact of being users of the "Drumwit Trip". It is of utmost importance to read them in their entirety before accepting them, and lack of knowledge or ignorance cannot be used as a basis for the filing of a complaint.

In the event that any of our "Conditions" are annulled, declared null and void, or deemed non-binding by a final decision handed down by the competent authority, this shall not affect the other "Conditions", which shall remain in force.

1.23. "Contract":

The Contract entered into between DRUMWIT and the "Customer" shall consist of these "General Terms and Conditions" (see Condition 1.22), the "Booking" (see Condition 1.70), and the "Travel Documentation" (see Condition 1.30), all pursuant to the "Terms and Conditions". The purposes of the "Contract" also include the "Beneficiary(ies)", who are subject to the conditions of the "Contract" and are obliged to comply therewith, even if they do not hold the status of "Customer", by simply fact of being user(s) of a "Drumwit Pack", assuming as their own the declarations and commitments made by the "Customer" on their behalf.

By entering into contract with DRUMWIT, the "Customer" hereby accepts that the "Contract" is drawn up digitally, with its electronic format being expressly accepted,without prejudice to their right to print it, with a view to it being converted into a physical document. A copy can also be requested from DRUMWIT which shall be sent to the "Customer Email Address". The "Beneficiary" accepts this method of contracting.

The "Contract" shall be understood to have been entered into in Barcelona (Spain), valid as at the date on which the "Booking" is made (see Condition 1.70).

The "Customer" may only contract our "Drumwit Pack" on our "Website". We have no branches or intermediaries of any kind, and as such we will not accept any "Booking" not made on this "Website".

It is presumed that the computer and digital data kept by DRUMWIT in its IT systems and/or databases is accurate and truthful, and that it has evidentiary value.

IMPORTANT: It is hereby noted for all intents and purposes that the "Drumwit Trip" is subject to special financial contracting conditions, due to the very nature and characteristics thereof, therefore these "General Conditions" shall be deemed to be conditions agreed between the Parties and incorporated into the "Contract" in its entirety, with the following Conditions being of particular importance 4 (with regard to "PERSONAL DATA"), 5 (with regard to "PRICE"), 6 (with regard to "PAYMENT CONDITIONS"), 7 (with regard to the "TRIP CONDITIONS"), 8 (with regard to "NON-TRANSFERABLE NATURE") and 9 (which indicates that WITHDRAWAL therefrom shall imply the loss of the entire amount paid).

1.24. "Customer email address":

This is the email address that must be provided by the "Customer" to DRUMWIT during the "Booking Process" and the communication channel between DRUMWIT and the "Customer".

Upon completing the "Booking Process", the Customer shall be sent an email confirming their "Purchase". If this has not been received. after checking the Spam Folder, you should contact "Us" forthwith to resolve the matter. Otherwise, the "Customer" may stop receiving important information (such as the Documentation concerning the "Drumwit Trip").

The "Customer" is responsible for keeping the aforementioned email account open and running and for verifying that emails sent by DRUMWIT have been received.

Should the address provided by the "Customer" be modified once the "Booking Process" has been completed, the "Customer" shall be responsible for notifying DRUMWIT of this change forthwith, and in any case before the advance notice period with regard to sending "Travel Documentation" (see Condition1.30). Communications sent by DRUMWIT to the old address shall be considered valid until the Customer's change notification has been received.

DRUMWIT shall not be held liable for any consequences arising from the failure or negligence of the "Customer" with regard to their email.

The "Beneficiary(ies)" designate the same email address as indicated by the "Customer", to which DRUMWIT shall send communications, with responsibility for communication between the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" being assumed by both of the above. The "Beneficiary" hereby accepts that they shall not receive direct communications from DRUMWIT, with those sent to the "Customer" being deemed to be valid. Also see Condition 1.21.

1.25. "Extra Cost":

See Condition 1.36 ("Extra" or "Extra Cost" or "Extra Charge").

1.26. "Refused entry into a country":

The authorities of each country to which the "Destination City" belongs may refuse entry into the aforementioned country for a "Beneficiary" who, at their discretion and in accordance with the applicable regulations, poses a threat to public order, internal security, public health, international relations of any of the EU Member States or, in particular, that is registered as inadmissible in the national databases of any Member State for security or health reasons, or on any other justified grounds. In the event that, for any reason whatsoever, a public authority of any of the countries to which, from which or over which air transportation travels refuses the entry of the Passenger into the country, even whilst in transit, it shall oblige the Passenger to pay the price of their transportation back to the "Airport" of origin or to any other Airport, without the right to reimbursement or compensation of any kind. DRUMWIT shall be held completely harmless in this regard.

1.27. "Rejected Destinations":

By purchasing a "Drumwit Pack" you may "Reject Destinations". You may reject one (1) destination for free, if you choose the "Standard Pack", or three (3) destinations if you choose the "Deluxe Pack", during the "Booking Process". Otherwise the right to reject shall be lost.

1.28. "Additional Rejected Destination(s)":

As well as the free rejected destinations that come with each type of "Drumwit Pack", the "Customer" may add, at an "Extra" cost at their expense, which shall be indicated on the "Website", one or more Additional Rejected Destination(s), up to a maximum total of six (6) Rejected Destination(s) (in total, between the free and Additional ones). Also see Condition 1.36 ("Extra" or "Extra Cost" or "Extra Charge").

1.29. "Surprise Destination" or "Destination" or "Drumwit Destination":

This is one of the "Destination Cities" offered by the DRUMWIT "Website" when booking the "Drumwit Trip". The "Destinations" correspond to the European cities offered by the DRUMWIT "Website" when booking the "Drumwit Trip".

The "Destinations" offered on our "Website" may vary from one season to the next (autumn/winter and spring/summer) or due to other factors. DRUMWIT always strive to adapt its "Destinations" to provide its "Customers" with the best offers. The "Surprise Destination" subject to the "Drumwit Trip" must be one of those offered on the "Website" at the time of "Booking", once the "Rejected Destinations" have been excluded by the "Customers".

If you have already been on a "Drumwit Trip", we shall do our utmost to ensure that you do not visit the same destination again in a short space of time. Therefore, please state in the "I AM REPEATING THE EXPERIENCE" section of your "Booking" the name of the destination you visited on your last "Drumwit Trip". As many people do not mind visiting the same destination again when they enjoyed it, if you do not let us know, we shall take this to mean that you are not against going back to the same place again. In any case, if you want to make sure a destination is rejected, remember that the best and only way to ensure that you are not assigned this "Surprise Destination" again is to use the "Reject" option during the "Booking Process".

1.30. "Travel Documentation":

DRUMWIT shall send to the "Customer", between 2 to 3 days before the departure date of the outbound "Flight" – and, at the very latest, 10 hours before the aforementioned date and departure time – by email to the address provided thereby (see "Customer email address", in Condition 1.24), "Travel Documentation" comprising the following information and documentation, sent in electronic format, with the "Customer" assuming responsibility therefor when printing:

  • 1) Information with regard to the destination of the "Drumwit Trip", the "Travel Dates", the "Accommodation" and the number of overnight stays included in the "Booking".
  • 2) The details of the round-trip "Flights", including the name of the origin and destination "Airport(s)", the departure and return dates and times, the number of stopovers (if applicable), and the Flight "check-in" instructions (if necessary). Electronic Air Tickets shall be included (as well as the electronic Boarding Pass(es) for the outbound and/or return "Flight"), when they can be processed electronically and free of charge at such date. See "Boarding Pass" for more details in Condition 1.73). With regard to assigning seats, see Conditions 1.7 and 1.8.
  • 3) The location, main features and, if applicable, the star rating of the "Accommodation" in accordance with the rules of the corresponding destination country.
  • 4) Information necessary to "check in" at the assigned "Establishment", indicating the full address, an email address and a telephone number that can be contacted/called during any of the days of the "Drumwit Trip" should any problems arise, indicating the "DRUMWIT Customer Service Times". For more details, see Condition 16 "TRAVEL ASSISTANCE".
  • 5) The special needs of the "Beneficiaries" (including the "Customer" themselves they are also a "Traveller") that have been accepted by DRUMWIT.
  • 6) As a gesture of goodwill to the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary(ies)", DRUMWIT shall include among the aforementioned documentation a "Mini-Guide" on the Destination City (see Condition 1.50 "Mini-guide" or "Drumwit Guide)).
  • 7) And any other information or documentation that may be applicable.

The "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" may request, in any case, any clarification or additional information that they need.

The "Customer" is responsible for keeping the aforementioned email account open and running (See Condition 1.24, "Customer Email address"), as well as verifying receipt of the DRUMWIT email and that all the documentation sent by DRUMWIT is correct (names, departure and return dates, etc.), undertaking to notify DRUMWIT of any anomaly forthwith. The "Customer" (and/or the "Beneficiary") must print the aforementioned "Ticket" and, where applicable, the electronic "Boarding Pass" provided by DRUMWIT and any other document sent by DRUMWIT.

ATTENTION: As all our "Drumwit Packs" have destinations in European cities, we shall not send general information with regard to passport and visa requirements, since it is possible to travel with a Spanish DNI or the national identity card of the corresponding European country, and without a visa. For the same reasons, we also shall not send information on health procedures for travelling and staying in the destination country. See also Condition 1.34("Schengen Area") and1.45 "INFORMATION ON HEALTH PROCEDURES FOR TRAVELLING AND STAYING IN THE DESTINATION COUNTRY").

The "Travel Documentation" is an integral part of the "Drumwit Pack" "Contract". Also see Condition 1.23 ("CONTRACT").

1.31. "DRUMWIT":

You'll find all our details in Condition 15. Also see condition 1.53 "Us".

1.32. "Boarding" or "Access on board the Plane": :

Process by which the "Traveller(s)" accesses the interior of the "Aeroplane" (also called "check-in" (see Condition 1.12), where the last "Passenger" and/or "Hand Luggage" security and identity check is carried out. The "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" are responsible for respecting the times set for boarding by the "Airline", which usually begins at least forty (40) minutes before the "Flight" departure time. The "Beneficiary" shall be responsible for managing their time to adequately comply with the aforementioned procedures.

DRUMWIT shall be held harmless in the event that due to delay of the "Beneficiary(ies)", or for any other cause attributable thereto, they are denied "Boarding" or the seat assigned is cancelled, etc. Please note that failure to show up ("no-show") within the set time period shall imply denial of "Boarding", without the right to any compensation whatsoever. Furthermore, if luggage has been checked in, the "Airline" may ask the "Passenger" who does not show up at the boarding desk within the set period to pay for any damages derived from locating and removing their luggage from the "Aircraft".

IMPORTANT: In the event that, for reasons attributable thereto, the "Beneficiary" decides not to use, or does not actually get on the "Outbound Flight", traveling by another method of transportation to the "Destination City", they must notify DRUMWIT forthwith, and at least 36 hours before the "Outbound Flight" departs, because some "Airlines" reserve the right to cancel the Return Flight of any Traveller who has purchased a round-trip and has not boarded the outbound flight. DRUMWIT shall strive to reconfirm the "Return Flight", but shall be held harmless in this regard.

Also see Condition 1.72 ("Boarding Pass").

1.33. "Hand Luggage":

This is the luggage (belongings) that each "Beneficiary" may take with them when boarding the "Aeroplane". There are limitations in place with regard to the number of pieces, dimensions and maximum weight per "Traveller".

Broadly speaking, "Aeroplanes" accept a small bag or backpack that can be placed under the seat as "Hand Luggage", at no extra charge.

Should the "Beneficiary" wish to travel with a cabin suitcase, they must pay the "Extra" charge indicated on the "Website", during the "Booking Process", for "Guaranteed cabin bag", thereby ensuring that passengers are allowed to travel with a cabin bag that must be placed in the overhead compartment of the "Aeroplane" and/or in the hold of the "Aeroplane" in accordance with the "Airline" policy.

It is hereby noted for all intents and purposes that DRUMWIT is not responsible for nor does it have any decision-making power with regard to airline baggage policies. Nor shall it enter into a dispute over the legality or otherwise thereof, acting solely as an intermediary. The extra offered on the website as "Guaranteed Cabin Bag" is included with a view to offering customers greater comfort when managing their trip and in no case could it be interpreted as DRUMWIT who is charging for said "Hand Luggage"; it is the airline in question (also see Condition 1.47 ("GUARANTEED CABIN BAG") and Condition 1.36 ("EXTRA").


  • (I) Not all cabin bags are of the same size (there are small differences between the different manufacturers, differences that sometimes result in a cabin bag accepted by one "Airline" not meeting the requirements set by another Company).
  • (II) Not all "Airlines" follow exactly the same rules regarding the number of pieces, dimensions and maximum weight of "Hand Luggage". Once they receive the "Travel Documentation" sent by DRUMWIT, the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" are responsible for checking the requirements, conditions and limits imposed on the "Hand Luggage" by the "Airline" operating the "Outbound Flight" and by the "Airline" operating the "Return Flight", bearing in mind that they may be different.

Broadly speaking, the "Airline Companies" shall be held harmless with regard to damage, theft, etc., to the "Hand Luggage" during transport, in particular perishable and fragile items because it is the "Traveller" themselves who transports them and places them in the compartments made available for this purpose in the upper part of the aircraft cabin. Look after your "Hand Luggage", avoiding carelessness, taking care to protect it and place it properly in the storage compartment.

The "Hand Luggage" policy shall be indicated, on each "Flight", by the "Airline", for the basic fare ("Hand Luggage" included in the basic fare ticket). The conditions must be verified by the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary", holding DRUMWIT harmless in this regard.

The "Airport" and the "Airline" alike have the right to inspect the luggage. If the "Passenger" is so required, they must be present during the inspection of their luggage, "Hand Luggage" and, where applicable, checked luggage, by customs agents or other government officials. The "Airline" shall not be liable before the "Passenger" for any loss or damage that the Passenger may incur due to their failure to comply with this requirement, unless it is due to negligence by the "Airline". Also see Conditions 1.53 and 1.54 ("Objects that cannot be transported as "Hand Luggage" and "Items which can be taken as Hand Luggage with limitations").

Should "Hand Luggage" not comply with the "Airline" regulations (exceeding the quantity, weight and/or measurements indicated by the "Airline"), it shall be removed during the "Boarding" process and placed in the"Aircraft" hold, with the additional cost incurred to be borne exclusively by the "Beneficiary", holding DRUMWIT harmless in this regard.

Although this extra charge can usually be paid by bank card, payment thereof may sometimes be requested in cash and in the legal tender of the country in which the "Airport" is located. Bear this in mind when planning your trip.

"Airlines" reserve the right to refuse to transport all or part of the luggage if the charge is not paid there and then. Similarly, they reserve the right to cancel the "Ticket" and deny "Boarding" to any "Passengers" who do not comply with the foregoing "Hand Baggage" requirements. DRUMWIT shall be held harmless in this regard.

1.34. "Schengen Area":

Territory covered by the Schengen Agreement, integrated into European Union treaties since 1 December 2009, which determines that in the European countries that have signed the Treaty, the Community Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders (Schengen Borders Code), the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement, Council Regulations (EC) No 1683/95 and (EC) No 539/2001 and Regulations of the European Parliament and of the Council (EC) No 767/2008 and (EC) No 810/2009 apply. Not all European countries are part of the Schengen Area, for example, the United Kingdom and Ireland are not, although customs clearance is usually nothing more than a mere formality. In any case, bear in mind that the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" are responsible for verifying any paperwork that may be required to be allowed into their "Drumwit Destination", once they have received the "Travel Documents", ensuring that they have the documentation required with them when travelling.

ATTENTION: Remember that the "Beneficiary" is solely responsible for having all the necessary documentation before setting off. Broadly speaking, all persons of legal age and without any special restrictions, nationals of a Schengen Member State, may travel within the EU with only a valid passport or identity card. Should the destination not be part of the Schengen Area, the "Beneficiary" is required to hold a valid passport and to enquire whether they may be subject to any entry restrictions in any country (in the United Kingdom, for example). If so, the "Beneficiary" must reject any destinations to which they are unable to travel. DRUMWIT shall assume no responsibility whatsoever for the validity, non-existence or restrictions, etc., vis-à-vis the personal documentation held by the "Beneficiary". If the "Beneficiary" is a minor, they shall require authorisation from and/or be accompanied by their parents or guardians, as appropriate, as well as holding valid documentation, with a view to being able to avail of the contracted service. The Legal Guardians are responsible for ensuring that all documentation is in order and in force, holding DRUMWIT harmless in this regard.

1.35. "Establishment" or "Accommodation":

The "Establishment" chosen by DRUMWIT, where the "Beneficiary(ies)" will stay during the "Travel Dates". It may be either a hotel (if the "Deluxe Pack" is purchased it shall be of a higher category), or a Bed & Breakfast or hostel (always with a private room and bathroom for each person travelling alone, each pair of "Beneficiaries" or for each group of "Beneficiaries" travelling together), or a tourist apartment, studio or equivalent. In any case, all accommodation options offered on our "Website" are in the city centre or in places with excellent public transport communications.

Please bear in mind that classification standards may differ between hotels and accommodation in the same category depending on the country, as some have different standards (therefore a 3-star hotel in one country is not necessarily equivalent to a 3-star hotel in another).

Some examples of standard DRUMWIT partner "Establishments" can be found on our website (in the "ACCOMMODATION" section). All details, including photographs, set out in these examples have been provided by the "Establishments" themselves. Not all our "Partners" are listed in the "ACCOMMODATION" section.

As set out in Condition 7 (concerning the "TRIP CONDITIONS"), each "Beneficiary" must always respect the rules (smoking areas, safety rules, etc.) in place in each "Establishment", and behave properly during their stay (refraining from making too much noise or causing problems, smoking in unauthorised areas, etc.), with the "Beneficiary" always being personally responsible for any consequences derived from failing to comply therewith.

The "Establishment" is understood to offer basic or standard accommodation conditions (excluding higher categories, such as suites), in non-smoking rooms. Broadly speaking, guests will stay in a double room to be used by two (2) people (although there may also be rooms that sleep three to four people, if required). Extra beds or cots in the double room may be charged as an "Extra" . Not all hotels have rooms with more than two (2) beds, therefore some "Beneficiaries" in the same group may be assigned different rooms. Using the room on an individual basis shall incur an "Extra" charge, depending on the "Establishment", to be paid by the "Beneficiary" and/or the "Customer", holding DRUMWIT harmless in this regard.

"Beneficiaries" travelling as part of the same group agree to share a room with each other, even if it is not possible to choose the bed type.

The rooms shall always be private for each person travelling alone, for each pair of "Beneficiaries" or for each group of "Beneficiaries" travelling together; as such they won't have to share with strangers, unless expressly requested in the "COMMENTS" section upon "Booking".

There is no guarantee that the type of bed can be chosen (double, separate, etc.), nor the type of pillow, although DRUMWIT shall do its utmost to cater to the wishes of the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary" when handling the "Booking" on behalf of the "Establishment".

The check-in and check-out times at the "Establishment" shall be the set by the "Establishment" in this regard. Broadly speaking, check-in is usually after 15:00 on the day of arrival and check-out is before 11:00 on the day of departure, local time. Nevertheless, these times may differ and it is the responsibility of the "Traveller" to verify them. Any charges that may be accrued by exceeding the check-in and check-out times at the "Establishment" shall be fully assumed by the "Beneficiary", holding DRUMWIT harmless in this regard.

The "Establishment" may charge the "Beneficiary" any applicable tourist tax, which shall be borne by the "Beneficiary", holding DRUMWIT and/or the "Customer" harmless in this regard. Also see Condition 5 ("PRICE").

In the event that between arriving at the "Destination" and reaching the "Establishment", the "Establishment" turns out to have been overbooked; it is the "Establishment" that must assume responsibility in this regard, holding DRUMWIT harmless. In these cases, the "Establishment" shall offer the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary(ies)" the possibility of staying in another "Establishment" in the vicinity.

Wherever possible, DRUMWIT shall do its utmost to liaise with the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary" affected by an "Establishment" being overbooked, helping as much as possible, passing on solutions offered by the "Establishment", although without assuming responsibility therefor in any way whatsoever. DRUMWIT shall not provide the "Customer" or the "Beneficiary" with "Establishment" documents such as booking invoices, as they are collective purchases that contain the personal data of other DRUMWIT Customers, which is deemed to have been accepted by the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" when booking and/or travelling with DRUMWIT. However, it shall do what it can for the "Customer", at no extra cost, although without offering any guarantee as to the success thereof.

Any inconvenience that may arise with the "Establishment" room vis-à-vis any aspect thereof, must be handled directly between the "Customer" and the "Establishment". Where appropriate, DRUMWIT shall assist the "Customer" to the best of its ability, although it assumes no liability in this regard.

1.36. "Extra" or "Extra Cost" or "Extra Charge":

Amount payable by the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary", depending on the items purchased and/or those not included in the "Drumwit Pack" purchased. The cost of the optional "Extra" offered on our "Website" shall be shown at all times on our "Website", depending on the "Extra" in question. For example, "Extras" are things such as adding more nights to the stay (see Condition 1.52 "Additional Night(s)"), departure or return on special dates (see Condition 1.36 "High Demand Dates" and/or see Condition 1.41 "Last Available Dates"), the "Additional Rejected Destination(s)" (see Condition 1.28), the "Time Restriction(s)" (see Condition 1.71), the "Seats together guaranteed" (see Condition 1.8.), the "Cabin bag guaranteed" (see Condition 1.47), the "Drumwit Flexibility" (see Condition 1.42), and any other indicated in these Terms and Conditions and on our "Website"

Any other cost to be paid by the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary" derived from the "Assigned seat" conditions set by the "Establishment", the "Airline", the "Airport" and/or any other "Operator" or "Partner", whether set forth in these "Terms and Conditions", as one of the most commonly encountered on trips, or any other, shall be understood as an "Extra Cost", holding DRUMWIT harmless in this regard.

See, for example, "Seats assigned for the Outbound and/or Return Flight" (Condition 1.7), "Seats together guaranteed" (Condition 1.8) and "Establishment" (Condition 1.35).

1.37. "High Demand Dates":

Dates on which you can book your "Drumwit Trip", by paying an "Extra". Also see Condition 1.10 ("CALENDAR").

1.38. "Travel Dates":

Dates chosen by the "Customer" from the available dates offered. "High Demand Dates" or "Last Available Dates" may incur an "Extra Charge".

1.39. "Available Dates":

Dates on which the "Customer" or the "Beneficiary" may book the "Drumwit Trip". Also see Condition 1.10 ("CALENDAR").

1.40. "Unavailable Dates":

Dates on which you cannot book your "Drumwit Trip". Also see Condition 1.10 ("CALENDAR").

1.41. "Last Available Dates" or"Last-Minute Dates":

Dates on which you can book your "Drumwit Trip", by paying an "Extra". Also see Condition 1.10 ("CALENDAR").

1.42. "Drumwit Flexibility":

It is an "Extra" that, once per "Booking", lets the "Customer" choose one (1) of the following three (3) options: either to suspend the "Drumwit Trip" or modify the "Travel Dates" or change the name(s) of the "Traveller(s)", for any reason, provided that prior notice is given to DRUMWIT, by sending an email to "contact@drumwit.com", up to a maximum of thirty (30) calendar days before the planned start date of the "Drumwit Trip".

The "Customer" may contract the "Drumwit Flexibility" "Extra" during the "Booking Process", at the price indicated on the "Website", provided that the "Drumwit Trip" is being booked more than thirty (30) calendar days in advance.

In the event that the "Customer" has opted for the "Drumwit Flexibility" "Extra":

  • If the "Drumwit Trip" is cancelled, the "Customer" shall be credited the total amount of the "Booking", minus the "Extra" cost paid for "Drumwit Flexibility" that may be redeemed on the "DRUMWIT Website" within the following two (2) years from the date on which the credit is issued.
  • If the "Travel Dates" are modified, the "Customer" may choose new "Travel Dates", as long as they are available in the "DRUMWIT Calendar" and are listed at the same rate originally booked (standard, "High Demand Dates" or "Last Available Dates").
  • If the name(s) of the "Traveller(s)" are to be changed, the "Customer" must indicate who will not be travelling and provide the details of the new "Traveller(s)".

ATTENTION: The "Drumwit Flexibility" can only be used once per "Booking" and type and provided that DRUMWIT has been notified up to a maximum of thirty (30) calendar days prior to the start date of the "Drumwit Trip", in such a way that:

  • In the event that the "Customer" has postponed the "Drumwit Trip" using the "Drumwit Flexibility" option, they may not postpone it again or use other "Drumwit Flexibility" options.
  • In the event that the "Customer" has modified the "Travel Dates" using the "Drumwit Flexibility" option, they may no longer modify them or use other "Drumwit Flexibility" options.
  • In the event that the "Customer" has modified the name(s) of the "Traveller(s)" using the "Drumwit Flexibility" option, they may no longer change the name of any Traveller(s) nor use other "Drumwit Flexibility" options.

1.43. "DRUMWIT Customer Service Time":

DRUMWIT does its utmost to ensure that it is always there for its "Customers", but may limit its opening hours (see Condition 15.3), whether in person or by telephone, in accordance with the conditions set forth in these "Terms and Conditions" and at any given moment on our "Website". Please check it if you are unable to reach us, as it will more than likely be out of hours. In any case, leave us a written or voice message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

1.44. "Information prior to the Contract" or "Information prior to the Contract":

These "Terms and Conditions" encompass all the information required to provide in-depth knowledge of the clauses governing our "Drumwit Trip" and the contracting thereof, and so they have been assigned the status of Information Prior to the Contract, pursuant to the General Consumer and User Protection Act (currently, Article 153 and concordant). Please read them carefully before purchasing your "Drumwit Pack" and get in touch with us if you have any questions or suggestions. They must be accepted before purchasing our "Drumwit Pack".

In accordance with Article 153.1 of the General Consumer and User Protection Act, you are hereby informed:

  • The travel services you are offered is a package trip in accordance with the consolidated text of the General Consumer and User Protection Act and other complementary laws, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November.
  • You will therefore be able to exercise all the rights applicable within the EU package travel rules. DRUMWIT shall be fully liable for the correct execution of the package trip as a whole. Please read our "General Terms and Conditions" carefully to inform yourself of your rights and how to exercise them.
  • Furthermore, in accordance with the law, DRUMWIT is covered by a guarantee to reimburse you for any payments made and, if transport is required as part of the trip, to ensure that you are repatriated should it have filed for insolvency.
  • Find more information with regard to your rights in accordance with the consolidated text of the General Consumer and User Protection Act and other complementary laws, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, by clicking here: https://www.boe.es/eli/es/rdlg/2007/11/16/1/con.

1.45. "Information on health procedures for travelling and staying in the destination country"

Due to all our Destinations being European cities, we do not provide further information on health-related procedures; the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" shall assume responsibility for looking into this matter. Bear in mind that certain medication that can be bought in Spain without a prescription in chemists or pharmacies may require a prescription in other European countries.

RECOMMENDATION: We recommend having your valid Health Insurance Card or European Health Insurance Card with you and, if need be, the prescription for your medication, as well as any medical certificate you may have. The European Health Insurance Card is a personal, non-transferable document that entitles the holder to receive public health care under the same conditions as the residents of the country in which they are staying, provided that it is within the European Union and the country has signed the Schengen Treaty. This health coverage includes holidays, such as those provided by "Drumwit Trips". Provided the legally applicable conditions are met, it is free to apply for and can be obtained online through the Spanish Electronic Social Security Office. For more information, get in touch with the Spanish Social Security department directly. The national or European health-authority regulations must be followed (currently with regard to COVID-19).

1.46. "Law":

The DRUMWIT Contract is subject to Spanish law, and, in this regard, the most important law is the General Consumer and User Protection Act (whose revised text was approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November).

Also see Condition 12 ("APPLICABLE LAW").

1.47. "Cabin bag guaranteed":

If the "Customer" so wishes, they may select the option "Cabin bag guaranteed" during the "Booking Process", incurring the "Extra" cost indicated on the "Website" to ensure that they will be able to take a "cabin bag" on board to be placed in the overhead compartment or hold of the "Aeroplane" in accordance with the policy set by each "Airline". Under no circumstances may it be construed that DRUMWIT, acting merely as an intermediary, charges for hand luggage; this charge is set by the "Airline" in question (Also see Condition 1.33 "HAND LUGGAGE").

1.48. "Pets":

Pets. Also see Conditions 1.6 ("Animal(s)") and 18 ("ANIMALS OR PETS").

1.49. "Minor(s)":

Person under 18 years of age.

May only be a "Beneficiary" before DRUMWIT, never a "Customer".

For a "Minor" to be a "Beneficiary" of the "Drumwit Pack", authorisation and/or the accompaniment of the parents or guardians shall be required, as deemed fit depending on the age and/or legal capacity of the "Minor", as well as having the necessary travel documentation in order. The "Customer" shall be responsible for ensuring that all requirements applicable to "Minors" wishing to travel are met, depending on their age and specific circumstances.

In fact, the "Customer" shall be fully and exclusively responsible for ensuring that the aforementioned "Minors" have all their documentation in order, that they are not affected by any circumstance that could prevent them from travelling and that they shall be accompanied (or, where appropriate, duly authorised) by their parents and/or legal guardians, holding DRUMWIT harmless in this regard.

Under no circumstances shall the "Drumwit Trip" include an accompaniment service (neither on the outbound nor return flight nor during the stay) for "Minors" who are unable to travel alone. "Minors" travelling unaccompanied by their parents or legal guardians may not be DRUMWIT "Beneficiaries".

DRUMWIT shall not be held liable vis-à-vis any problems arising from the failure of "Minors" to comply with legal requirements and any others that may apply.

On grounds of security, babies under a certain age (usually less than one (1) month old) may not be allowed on board. If travelling with such a young baby, the "Customer" must contact DRUMWIT before making the "Booking".

Broadly speaking, babies up to the age of two (2) must travel on their mother's or father's lap, and shall not require their own seat. Bear in mind that it is not possible to board the aircraft with a baby seat or cot, which is understood to be accepted by the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary" travelling with the aforementioned baby.

ATTENTION: Rules regarding "Minors" may differ depending on the nationality or place of residence of the "Beneficiary", therefore, before purchasing the "Drumwit Pack", the "Customer" must check the applicable regulations.

Currently, in the United Kingdom, minors under 18 years of age travelling without one of their parents or legal guardians, whether they are leaving said territory or travelling within it, must hold a valid passport, or a national identity card of their European country of origin, in which case they must also have a written authorisation granted by their parents before the Police, at the police station, as well as any other documentation required by their home country at any time.

The "Customer" and/or the person legally responsible for the "Minor" shall be responsible for complying with all the applicable requirements, which must be verified depending on the "Surprise Destination" that is communicated by DRUMWIT, processing the necessary documentation in this regard.

1.50. "Mini-guide" or "Drumwit Guide" or "Guide":

Summary of ideas, recommendations made by other travellers and suggestions, which we shall provide to you, as a gesture of goodwill, with your "Travel Documentation" (see Condition 1.30). This "Mini-guide" is not an ordinary travel guide, nor does it include maps, plans, graphic documentation, historical, geographical, social, or meteorological, etc., information. It is merely a list of recommended places to visit, bars and restaurants, etc., based on the personal experience of other "Travellers" or their own experiences. DRUMWIT shall assume no responsibility as to the comments, recommendations or suggestions, etc., contained in the "Guide". The "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary" shall be responsible for printing the "Mini-guide", if they so wish, as it shall be sent in digital format. Because this is a gesture of goodwill, DRUMWIT reserves the right to stop providing this "Mini-guide" at any time, without prior notice and without the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary" being able to file a claim in this regard. DRUMWIT, where applicable, shall send the "Mini-guide" in Spanish and/or English.

1.51. "Destination City Currency" (in the Europe Option):

The Euro is the official currency or is being accepted as a matter of course in most of our European Surprise Destinations. Nevertheless, in our experience, since the "Travel Documents" (see Condition 1.30) are sent with sufficient advance notice, the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiaries" have enough time, if they wish, to exchange the desired amount into the currency of the destination city (e.g. Swiss franc or pound sterling) at a bank or Bureau de change in their home city. Currency can also be exchanged at the airport(s) or in the destination itself, at a Bureau de change. Should a commission or fee be charged by banks or bureaux de change, this shall be the sole and exclusive responsibility of the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary", with DRUMWIT being held harmless in this regard.

WE RECOMMEND paying by debit/credit card whenever possible and keeping your cash for emergencies or minor expenses, and using an official Bureau de change, after checking official rates, commissions, fees, taxes and charges, etc., staying away from other currency-exchange methods.

ATTENTION: Bear in mind that credit card rules may differ depending on your "City of Destination" in Europe, as some European cities require a minimum amount to be paid by credit card. Some businesses in the Destination Cities may not accept card payments, although this is usually indicated in the establishment. In any case, the responsibility of such verification shall be assumed by the "Beneficiary".

1.52. "Additional Night(s)":

If the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary" stay one or more nights above that foreseen in the "Drumwit Pack", the cost shall be assumed entirely at their own expense, holding DRUMWIT harmless in this regard. (see Condition 1.36 "Extra" or "Extra Cost" or "Extra Charge").

1.53. "Us" or "our Company":

We are the DRUMWIT team, your Surprise Trip Travel Agency. At your disposal and delighted to make sure you have an unbeatable DRUMWIT experience. You'll find all our details in Condition 15. Also see Condition 1.31 "DRUMWIT".

1.54. "Objects prohibited as Hand Luggage":

Some objects may not be accepted as "Hand Luggage", therefore it is the responsibility of the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary" to ensure that none of them are part of the belongings they are travelling with. The list of prohibited "Hand Luggage" objects may vary, depending on the air-safety regulations in force at any given time, therefore, we recommend checking with the "Airline" or the Departure and Destination "Airport" beforehand. For example, under no circumstances may the following items be transported as "Hand Luggage":

  • Firearms and other devices that discharge projectiles (for example, bows, crossbows and arrows, harpoons and fishing rifles, slingshots, etc.).
  • Devices specifically intended to stun or immobilise (for example stun guns, Taser-like electric guns, neutralising or incapacitating chemicals, gases and nebulisers such as tear gas, acid sprays and animal repellent sprays).
  • Objects with a sharp point or cutting edge (for example, knives, ski and hiking poles, scissors, etc.).
  • Blunt instruments (for example baseball bats, sticks and canes, or martial arts equipment).
  • Explosive or incendiary substances and devices.
  • Work tools that could be used to cause serious injury or jeopardise the safety of the aircraft.
  • Certain chemical, pharmacological or other products considered to be dangerous.
  • Certain live animals and plants as well as certain food products.
  • Sports equipment, large musical instruments and special objects, for which special conditions and rates apply, if applicable.

There are also regulations for Special Baggage and Equipment, such as musical instruments, sports items (skis, golf clubs, diving or fishing equipment, etc.) or transportation (scooters, bicycles, baby strollers, etc.), with the "Traveller" being solely responsible for complying with the aforementioned rules and paying any extra that may arise from transporting this special baggage and equipment. DRUMWIT shall be held harmless in this regard.

ATTENTION: At any time and without financial compensation, the "Airline" may refuse to board "Hand Luggage" that does not meet its security requirements and any other standards. DRUMWIT shall be held harmless in this regard.

1.55. "Objects permitted as "Hand Luggage" with limitations":

Some item are accepted as "Hand Luggage", although with restrictions, on security grounds and with a view to complying with national, European or international regulations, with the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary" being responsible for ensuring that the belongings with which they wish to travel adhere to these requirements. For example, as things currently stand, only containers with liquids, aerosols and gels (for example, toothpaste, gel, drinks, soups, perfumes, shaving foam, lotions, etc.) can be taken onto the "Aircraft" as "Hand Luggage" as long as they do not exceed 100 ml, which shall be placed inside a transparent bag with a maximum capacity of 1,000 ml, or equivalent, that can be fully closed. Only one bag per "Passenger" shall be permitted.

Normally, liquids purchased in the "Airport" stores located after going through the "Boarding Pass" control are accepted, provided you hold onto the receipt of purchase and they are sealed and in their original (unopened) packaging, although we recommend asking in the shop or at the boarding desk before purchasing the product.

If you need to bring medications with you (liquid or semi-solid) to be taken on board, as well as medical equipment such as syringes, you must check the conditions of the "Airline", as they may request a medical certificate when you are going through security.

ATTENTION: Remember that, at any time and without financial compensation, the "Airline" may prevent you from "Boarding" "Hand Luggage" that does not comply with its safety requirements and other standards. DRUMWIT shall be held harmless in this regard.

1.56. "Spain Option":

With the publication of these "General Terms and Conditions", the option of travelling through a Spanish city has been eliminated, even if the Destination City is any other European city. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if on the date on which these "General Terms and Conditions" are published the "Customer" has booked a "Drumwit Trip" with "Spain Option", this can be carried out as normal and shall not be affected by the new Conditions.

1.57. "Europe Option":

The "Drumwit Trip" shall take place within the Territory of Spain, with the "Surprise Destination" chosen by DRUMWIT from the European cities offered by our "Website" upon "Booking". The journey between the city of departure and the "Surprise Destination" shall be by "Aeroplane". DRUMWIT shall not be responsible for any consequences arising from the "Customer's" failure to comply therewith. The remaining conditions set forth in these "Terms and Conditions" shall apply to this option, unless expressly indicated otherwise. It accepts both (2) options, the "Standard Pack" and the "Deluxe Pack". Also see Condition 1.1, 1.59 and 1.60.

1.58. "Operator":

Service provider selected by DRUMWIT who provides the air transportation services to the "Beneficiary". The "Operator" is not part of DRUMWIT, to whom it is a third party, and has its own rules in place, that shall be assumed and accepted by the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" when purchasing and enjoying a "Drumwit Trip", whether they are general "Airline" conditions or individual or specific to the fare of the ticket purchased.

Also see Condition 1.19 ("Airlines" or "Airports").

1.59. "Standard Pack":

Includes electronic tickets for the "Outbound Flight" and "Return Flight" under "Basic Airfare" conditions with the "Airline(s)" chosen by DRUMWIT and two-nights' (2) accommodation (without breakfast, neither half-board nor full-board) in the assigned "Establishment" (which shall be equivalent to a two or three star hotel) and located in the Surprise "Destination City", out of the possible European cities listed on the DRUMWIT "Website" when booking the "Drumwit Trip". Includes one (1) free rejected destination, to be used during the "Booking Process". The departure "Airport" shall correspond to that of the city of departure chosen by the "Customer".

The "Travel Dates" are chosen by the "Customer" between the "Available Dates" in our "Calendar". You can extend the number of nights (see also Condition 1.52 "Additional Night/s"), with such extension being an "Extra" to be paid by the "Customer". A "Booking" outside of the "Available Dates" shall incur an "Extra Charge" (also see Condition 1.36 ("Extra" or "Extra Cost" or "Extra Charge").

The "Standard Pack" includes the "Hand Luggage" belonging to the "Beneficiary", in accordance with the dimensions and other regulatory cabin luggage standards set by the "Airline" with whom "Beneficiary" is travelling. See Condition 1.33 ("Hand Luggage")

The price of the "Standard Pack" shall be the price listed on our "Website" at all times (currently, from €150.00, depending on the "City of Departure"). For more details, see Condition 5 "PRICE".

Our "Standard Pack" does not include any kind of food or drinks, not even during the "Flight". Nor are visits, excursions, transfers or any other service not set out in the items included in the "Price". For more details, read Condition 5, "DRUMWIT TRIP PRICE" below, which indicates the exclusions in greater detail.

1.60. "Deluxe Pack":

Includes electronic tickets for the "Outbound Flight" and "Return Flight" under "Basic Airfare" conditions of the "Airline(s)" chosen by DRUMWIT and two-nights' (2) accommodation (with breakfast, neither half board nor full board) in the assigned "Establishment" (which shall be equivalent to a three, four or five star hotel) and located in the Surprise "Destination City", out of the possible European cities listed on the DRUMWIT "Website" when booking the "Drumwit Trip". Includes three (3) free rejected destinations, to be used during the "Booking Process". The departure "Airport" shall correspond to that of the city of departure chosen by the "Customer".

The "Travel Dates" are chosen by the "Customer" between the "Available Dates" in our "Calendar". You can extend the number of nights (see also Condition 1.52 "Additional Night/s"), with such extension being an "Extra" to be paid by the "Customer". A "Booking" outside of the "Available Dates" shall incur an "Extra Charge" (also see Condition 1.36 ("Extra" or "Extra Cost" or "Extra Charge").

The "Deluxe Pack" also includes the "Hand Luggage" belonging to the "Beneficiary", in accordance with the same conditions as the "Standard Pack" (see Condition1.59).

The price of the "Deluxe Pack" shall be the price listed on our "Website" at all times (currently, from €200.00). For more details, see Condition 5 "PRICE".

Our "Deluxe Pack" includes breakfast in the "Establishment" but does not include any kind of food or drinks, not even during the "Flight". Nor are visits, excursions, transfers or any other service not set out in the items included in the "Price". For more details, read Condition 5, " DRUMWIT TRIP PRICE", where exclusions are provided in more detail.

1.61. "Ticket":

Ticket that gives the "Traveller" the right to board the "Aeroplane". It is part of the "Travel Documentation" (see Condition 1.30) and the "Contract" (see Condition 1.23). Also see "Electronic Plane Ticket" (Condition 1.62). DRUMWIT shall always process it in electronic format, with the "Customer" receiving it in the aforementioned format.

1.62. "Electronic Plane Ticket(s)":

Electronic ticket(s) that entitle(s) the "Traveller(s)" to access the "Airport" boarding gate as well as the "Aeroplane". See Condition 1.30 ("Travel Documentation").

1.63. "Passenger":

See Condition 1.9 ("Beneficiary", "Traveller" or "Passenger").

1.64. "Person with legally modified capacity to act":

Person, who, even though they may be over 18 years of age, does not have full capacity to act, ruled as such by a court. May only hold the status of "Beneficiary", never "Customer" before DRUMWIT.

The regulations in place for "Minors" shall apply, to the extent applicable (see Condition 1.49, which we expressly refer to), with all travel documentation and authorisations in order, as well as being accompanied by their legal guardian when applicable, under the exclusive responsibility of the "Customer", holding DRUMWIT harmless in this regard.

1.65. "People with reduced mobility":

In accordance with Article 153.1 a.8 of the General Consumer and User Protection Act, it is hereby noted that the "Drumwit Trip" is, broadly speaking, suitable for people with reduced mobility, as the "Destination Cities" are European capitals. If necessary, please state your needs in the COMMENTS section on the "Website" during the "Booking Process" or contact "us" by telephone.

1.66. "Minor":

See Condition 1.49 ("Minor(s)").

1.67. "Price" or "Drumwit Pack Price":

The price of our Trips depends on the "Departure City" chosen, the type of "Drumwit Pack" ("Standard" or "Deluxe") chosen by the "Customer" and, where applicable, any "Extras" added by the "Customer". The Price of each type of "Drumwit Pack" shall be the price published at any given time on the DRUMWIT "Website", always inclusive of VAT. For more details see Condition 5 "PRICE".

1.68. "Booking Process":

Different steps explained on our "Website" (See Condition 2), in such a way that, once completed, the "Customer" completes the "Purchase" and acquires a "Drumwit Pack". Pay attention to each step so as not to skip any options such as "Rejected Destinations".

More details on how DRUMWIT works can be found at in Condition2 ("WEBSITE OPERATION". CONTRACT TYPE. BOOKING PROCESS").

1.69. "DRUMWIT Points":

This is part of DRUMWIT's Customer Service and Loyalty programme and is a points system that can be redeemed by the "Customer" for DRUMWIT discounts during the period of validity of the points earned. For more details see Condition 10, "DRUMWIT POINTS PROGRAMME".

1.70. "Booking":

Constitutes the firm commitment of the "Customer" to contract a "Drumwit Pack" as previously specified on our "Website". It shall be considered to be completed upon finishing the "Booking Process" and, subsequently, the "Purchase" (see Condition 1.20) is final and is deemed to be non-modifiable and may not be cancelled, in accordance with Conditions 8 and 9, unless the del "Drumwit Flexibility" "Extra" is purchased (see Condition 1.42).

IMPORTANT: The "Customer" may only contract our "Drumwit Packs" on our "Website". We have no branches or intermediaries of any kind, and as such we will not accept any "Booking" not made on this "Website".

The "Booking Process" must be followed to formalise the "Booking Process" (see Condition 1.68). We hereby remind you that, although our "Booking Process" has a "COMMENTS" section, such comments are not binding nor obligatory for DRUMWIT and shall be understood to be mere wishes of the "Customer". If, for example, you would like to set "Time Restriction(s)" for your "Flights" make sure you do so by following the correct procedure and not by leaving a "COMMENT".


The "Booking" is part of the "Contract" that the "Customer" enters into with DRUMWIT. Also see Condition 1.23 ("CONTRACT").

1.71. "Time Restriction(s)" or "Flight time restrictions":

"Customer's" choice to restrict certain flight slots, which shall be charged an "Extra" at their expense, as indicated on our "Website" at any given time.

Nevertheless, DRUMWIT may contact the "Customer" to offer alternative flights outside the time slot (maximum variation of three (3) hours with respect to the chosen time slot) or suggest that the Customer modifies the "Travel Dates" to ensure direct connections with the "Destination", always striving to offer the best options for the "Customer", which the latter may accept or reject. Acceptance of such a change shall not entitle the "Customer" to a refund of the "Extra" paid.

1.72. "Basic Fare":

DRUMWIT contracts the basic fare offered by the "Airline", a fare that only includes the flight itself and their "Hand Luggage". Broadly speaking, changes and cancellations are not permitted. Some "Airlines" allow frequent flyer points to be collected on this fare if the "Beneficiary" is a member of such a frequent flyer programme. In any case, any loyalty points accumulated shall be managed exclusively by the "Beneficiary", holding DRUMWIT harmless vis-à-vis circumstance, requirement and/or condition to be fulfilled in this regard.

The Basic fare does not include checked baggage, does not include in-flight refreshments (food and beverages) nor extras of any kind and passengers may not choose their seat (see Conditions 1.7 "SEATS ASSIGNED FOR THE OUTBOUND FLIGHT AND/OR FOR THE RETURN FLIGHT" and 1.8 "SEATS TOGETHER GUARANTEED").

Should a passenger wish to check luggage and/or choose a seat and/or enjoy any other "Extra" on the "Flight", on the outbound or return journey, the "Customer" must indicate this in the "COMMENTS" section when making the "Booking", and assume the prior or immediate payment of the corresponding extras established by the "Airline" operating the "Flight", subject to the "Airline's" availability, holding DRUMWIT harmless in this regard. Should the "Customer" fail to make such payment, DRUMWIT may continue with the "Booking" process without taking into account the "Customer's" wish.

1.73. "Boarding Pass":

This is the document used by the "Airline Companies" to allow the "Traveller" to board the "Aeroplane" and which the "Traveller" must have on hand, along with their valid identification document or passport.

The "Boarding Pass" shows the "Airline" logo, the "Passenger's" full name and passport or identification number; the frequent flyer number, if applicable; the "Airport" of origin and destination, including stopovers, if applicable; the assigned seat; the boarding gate; the boarding time; and the "Flight" time, without prejudice to any changes to the boarding gate, boarding time and flight time that may occur on grounds of security, air traffic and/or other reasons, that may arise at the "Airport" of origin and/or destination.

DRUMWIT shall digitally manage the "Boarding Pass(es)" of the outbound and/or return "Flights", whenever it is possible to do so electronically and under the conditions offered free of charge by the "Airline(s)" operating such "Flight(s)". In such a case, where it/they can be processed electronically and free of charge, DRUMWIT shall send them to the "Customer" along with the "Travel Documentation" (see Condition 1.30 "TRAVEL DOCUMENTATION"). It may also do so at a later time, in the case of the "Return Flight", by sending it to the "Customer's email address".

Please note that this may not be possible at times, and it is one of the responsibilities assumed by the "Customer" to process it when it is not possible to do so electronically and/or free of charge. Each "Airline" has its own mechanisms in place vis-à-vis processing the "Boarding Pass", whether in person (which requires the "Passenger" to go to the check-in desks or kiosks at least 60/90 minutes before the flight departure time) or online on the "Airline" website within the deadlines set by the "Airline" (sometimes up to a few hours before the flight departure time). As a rule, the "Airlines" "We" work with only allow the aforementioned "Boarding Pass(es)" to be managed for free in the hours prior to the "Flight" departure time. For this reason, it may be that, when sending you the "Travel Documents", we are only able to provide you with the "Boarding Pass(es)" for the "Outbound Flight", but not the "Return Flight", or vice versa, if they are with different "Airlines", or even none of them (with the "Traveller" being required to generate them). We may also not be able to process the Boarding Pass(es) for the "Return Flight" until a few hours before the "Return Flight" time. In this case, we shall send them to the "Customer's email address" once they have been generated.

Some "Airlines" may apply a surcharge for generating the electronic "Boarding Pass" under certain conditions. "Check-in" may also be done in-person. In such a case, the cost of generating the "Boarding Pass" and/or paying the surcharge shall be borne by the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary", holding DRUMWIT harmless in this regard.

IMPORTANT: Some "Airports" and/or "Airlines" do not allow online check-in (they must check-in in person). The "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" hereby agree, in this case, to check in in person.

RECOMMENDATION: In any case, we recommend that the "Traveller" prints out the "Boarding Pass(es)" before setting off for the "Airport". Access to the "Aircraft" may be denied if the "Traveller" shows up at the boarding gate without a printed "Boarding Pass". We also recommend that the "Traveller" has the confirmation email with confirmation of their "Booking" reference and/or e-ticket number with them, even if the "Airline" operating the "Flight(s)" does not require specifically it in its policy, because it may be of use.


1.74. "Gift Card" or "DRUMWIT Gift Card":

This is the card that can be redeemed for a "Drumwit Trip", on the "Available Dates", and subject to the other conditions set forth herein. It is non-refundable and non-redeemable for cash. The person who receives the Gift Card shall be entitled to enjoy a "Drumwit Gift" provided that it is booked within the "Gift Card" validity period. See more details in Condition 11 " GIFT DRUMWIT" set out below.

1.75. "Terms and Conditions" or "Terms":

See "Conditions".

1.76. "Customs clearance":

Our "Surprise Destinations" and our departure "Airports" are located in European cities, therefore any paperwork with regard to entering or leaving the destination country is usually straightforward and, broadly speaking, mere formalities, even if the "Destination City" is not part of the "Schengen Area".

ATTENTION: This in no way implies that the "Beneficiary" should not carry out and go through the customs control procedures. Therefore, we recommend that the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary" show up at the "Airports" in due time with a view to complying with any paperwork requested by the authorities or to go through any control procedure, as well as to comply with the rules on goods that can be transported and luggage, broadly speaking, and even cash that does not need to be declared (as a general rule, in the EU there is no need to declare cash if the amount is less than €10,000.00, which is the amount set out in European Regulation 1889/2005, however the "Customer" or "Beneficiary" shall be responsible for ensuring this). DRUMWIT shall assume no responsibility in this regard (see Condition 1.26 "REFUSED ENTRY INTO A COUNTRY" and 1.34 "SCHENGEN AREA").

1.77. "Traveller":

See Condition 1.9 ("BENEFICIARY" or "TRAVELLER" or "PASSENGER").

1.78. "Outbound flight":

The most basic e-ticket for tourism contracted by DRUMWIT, for the "Beneficiary(ies)", based on the data provided by the "Customer" departing from the "City of departure" to the "Surprise Destination" on the starting date of the "Drumwit Pack", with the Company and the time being freely managed by DRUMWIT. Departure times can be restricted in the manner indicated on the "Website", in the "Time Restriction(s) option, by paying the corresponding "Extra". See Condition 1.71"Time Restriction(s)" or "Flight Time Restrictions".

DRUMWIT shall send the e-ticket (and, where applicable, the electronic Boarding Pass) to the "Customer" between 2 to 3 days before the departure date of the outbound "Flight", and, at least, 10 hours before the aforementioned date and time of departure of the "Departure Flight", to the "Customer's Email", along with the remaining "Travel Documentation".

The "Customer" is responsible for complying with Condition 1.24, "CUSTOMER EMAIL ADDRESS), as well as verifying receipt of the DRUMWIT email and that all the documentation sent by DRUMWIT is correct ("Passenger(s)" names and details, "Travel Dates": departure and return dates, etc.), undertaking to notify DRUMWIT of any anomaly forthwith.

The "Customer" (and/or the "Beneficiary") must print the aforementioned "Ticket" and, where applicable, the "Boarding Pass" provided by DRUMWIT at their own expense.

ATTENTION: The "Outbound flight" and the "Return flight" may be operated by different "Airlines", which the "Beneficiary" must take into account (see, for example, "Boarding" and "Hand luggage"). Also the departure and/or destination "Airport" may be one on the way out and another on the return journey, when the city of origin or destination has a number of different terminals. The "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" shall be responsible for verifying the "Travel Documentation" provided by DRUMWIT in detail (see Condition 1.30).

1.79. "Return flight":

The most basic e-ticket for tourism contracted by DRUMWIT departing from the "Destination" to the "City of Origin" on the last date of the "Drumwit Pack", with the Company and the time being freely managed by DRUMWIT.

The terms set forth in section 1.78 "OUTBOUND FLIGHT" shall apply.

The "Boarding Pass" for the "Return Flight" may be, if applicable, provided in the hours leading up to the departure of the "Return Flight" because "Airlines" do not usually accept the free electronic processing thereof until a certain time before the aforementioned departure time. See more details in Condition 1.73 "Boarding Pass".

ATTENTION: Please note that contained in the "ATTENTION" section in the foregoing point 1.78.

1.80. "Flights":

Broadly speaking, it refers jointly to the Outbound Flight and the Return Flight.

1.81. "DRUMWIT website" or "the Website" or "our Website":



The following steps must be followed to purchase a "Drumwit Trip", which shall be indicated step by step on our "Website":

  • 2.1. After going to www.drumwit.com, and/or registering on it (see Condition 3 "REGISTERING FOR/ACCESSING OUR "WEBSITE"") the "Customer" shall select whether the "Drumwit Trip" is for themselves or if it is a gift, indicating the number of "Travellers". Next, you have to choose where you will travel from (choose between several European cities of origin, offered on the "Website") and what type of "Drumwit Pack" you would like ("Standard Pack" or "Deluxe Pack").
  • 2.2. To select the "Travel Dates", the "Customer" must do so using the "Calendar" published on our "Website" indicating the available dates.

    "Bookings" on the dates listed in the "Calendar" as "Unavailable Dates" shall not be accepted. "High Demand Dates" and "Last Available Dates" shall be duly indicated in the "Calendar", as well as the "Extra Charge" incurred by booking during the aforementioned periods (cost to be borne by the "Customer").
  • 2.3. Next, the "Customer" will be shown a list of destinations to which the "Beneficiary" could travel and shall be offered the possibility to reject destinations:
    • a) For the "Standard Pack", the "Customer" may reject one (1) destination free of charge (without incurring any "Extra Charge"). Not using the free rejected destination shall not entail a bonus of any kind in favour of the "Customer", who shall waive that advantage without any compensation being paid in their favour.
    • b) For the "Deluxe Pack", the "Customer" may reject a maximum of three (3) destinations free of charge (without incurring any "Extra Charge"). Not using the free rejected destinations shall not entail a bonus of any kind in favour of the "Customer", who shall waive that advantage without any compensation being paid in their favour.
    • c) The "Customer" can also reject other additional destinations at an "Extra" cost that shall be stated on the "Website", [currently €5 (five euros)], for each rejected city and per Passenger, up to a maximum of six (6) possible rejected destinations (on top of the free rejected destinations and the "Extras"). People travelling together may not reject different destinations.
  • 2.4. Next, if the "Customer" so wishes, they may select the "Time Restriction(s), at an "Extra" cost (indicated on the "Website").

    If the "Customer" does not indicate any restrictions, the take-off time of the "Outbound Flight" may range between 00:01 and 23:59 on the first day of the "Drumwit Trip", and the take-off time of the "Return Flight" may range between 00:01 and 23:59 on the last day of the Trip (local time).

    If possible, and depending on availability, DRUMWIT may contact the "Customer" (once the "Booking" has been made) to suggest alternative flights outside these times.

    Please bear in mind that the "Airlines" and "Airports" shall be chosen by DRUMWIT, in accordance with the "Travel Dates" selected by the "Customer" (the departure and destination "Airports" may differ, which we shall inform you on when we send you your "Travel Documentation").
  • 2.5. Similarly, if the "Customer" so wishes, they may select the "Cabin bag guaranteed" option, at an "Extra" cost (indicated on the "Website"). (See Condition 1.47).

    If the "Customer" does not select this option, they shall travel with the "Hand Luggage" included in the "Basic Fare" in accordance with the policy set by each "Airline". (See Condition 1.33).
  • 2.6. Next, if the "Customer" so wishes, they may select the "Drumwit Flexibility" option, at an "Extra" cost (indicated on the "Website"). (See Condition 1.42).

    If the "Customer" does not select this option, the "Drumwit Trip" shall not accept changes or cancellations after the "Booking" is made. (See Conditions 8 and 9).
  • 2.7. Next, if the "Customer" so wishes, they may select the option "Seats together guaranteed", at an "Extra" cost (indicated on the "Website"). (See Condition 1.8).

    If the "Customer" does not select this option, the "Airline's" "Basic Fare" conditions shall apply, meaning that a seat cannot be chosen. (See Condition 1.7).
  • 2.8. By clicking on "continue", the "Customer" shall be taken to the area in which they must enter the details of the "Beneficiary(ies)", in other words, the person(s) who will go on the "Drumwit Trip" (including their own details, if they are one of the "Travellers"). Complete identification data for each "Beneficiary" shall be required. The "Customer" shall be responsible as to the veracity and accuracy thereof, as well as for reviewing said data before completing the "Booking" process. DRUMWIT shall assume no responsibility vis-à-vis denied boarding, delays, problems and/or other cases resulting from errors or inaccuracies of any kind in the data of any of the "Beneficiaries", unless the aforementioned data does not coincide with those that have been provided or confirmed by the "Customer".
  • 2.9. By clicking "continue", the "Customer" will be taken to a screen to enter the payment and billing information. The "Customer" is responsible as to the veracity and accuracy of the data indicated in the payment methods section (card number, expiration, other data, etc.), as well as for the ownership of the payment method (credit card, PayPal, etc.), the legitimacy of the use thereof and the availability of sufficient funds to cover the cost. The expiration date of the payment method must not be prior to the date on which the "Drumwit Trip" has been booked for. The "Customer" shall click continue once the payment method data has been verified.
  • 2.10. By clicking "continue", the "Booking" shall be provisionally recorded, after the "Customer" has accepted these "General Terms and Conditions", which shall be an essential requirement to be able to complete the "Purchase" of the "Drumwit Trip", since they constitute the basis of Pre-contractual Information for the "Customer" and, once the "Booking" is confirmed, they form a substantial part of the "Contract" between the "Customer" and DRUMWIT.. ATTENTION: DRUMWIT shall not be held responsible vis-à-vis any problems arising from the non-compliance with the data and documentation requirements of the "Beneficiary(ies)". See Conditions 1.9 and 4.
  • 2.11. Next, a confirmation message will be shown confirming the "Booking" and the "Purchasing Process" will have been completed.
  • 2.12. The "continue" button that appears after making the payment must be clicked for the confirmation email to be automatically generated. It is at that moment that the "Purchase" shall be deemed to have been made and, after validation thereof, we will send a confirmation email (to the "Customer Email Address").

    IMPORTANT: We hereby remind the Customer that, once the "Booking" has been confirmed, the "Drumwit Pack" cannot be transferred from one person to another, because the "Beneficiaries" are already determined when formalising the "Booking", nor may the "Booking" data be modified, with the provisions of Condition 8 (NON-TRANSFERABLE NATURE OF DRUMWIT TRIP ONCE BOOKED") being applicable, except when the "Customer" has chosen the "Drumwit Flexibility" option (See Condition 1.42). Without prejudice to the foregoing, DRUMWIT shall do its utmost to assist the "Customer" who contacts it forthwith (or as soon as possible once the "Booking" has been made) and if we are in a position to confirm the feasibility of the change, we shall proceed therewith. Any change in this regard shall be the responsibility of the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiaries", as indicated in Condition 8, except when the "Customer" has chosen the "Drumwit Flexibility" option (See Condition 1.42). The "Booking" may not be cancelled by the "Customer" nor the "Beneficiary(ies)", therefore the price of the "Drumwit Pack" and, if applicable, any "Extras", shall be non-refundable, in accordance with Condition 9 ("WITHDRAWAL OF THE "CUSTOMER" OR THE "BENEFICIARY": THE DRUMWIT TRIP IS NON-REFUNDABLE"), unless the "Drumwit Flexibility" "Extra" is purchased, in which case Condition1.42shall apply.
  • 2.13. The Booking" confirmation email shall contain all the data related to your "Booking" which shall form an integral part of the "Contract". Only by printing this email shall the "Customer" have physical proof of the aforementioned "Booking", since this information shall not be sent by standard mail.

    Without prejudice to the foregoing, DRUMWIT shall keep its own record, and the "Customer" may get in touch with DRUMWIT at any time during the documentation-retention period to ask for a copy to be sent by email. All data contained in the aforementioned email shall be deemed to have been confirmed by the "Customer". However, DRUMWIT may request confirmation of the personal data indicated in the "Booking" if doubts arise in this regard.
  • 2.14. The "Destination" shall be a surprise for the "Customer" until 2 to 3 days before the departure date of the outbound "Flight", and, at the latest, 10 hours before departure date and time of the "Outbound flight"

    Taking this advance notice into account, we shall send the "Customer" the information by email to the email address provided by the latter (See Condition 1.24, "Customer email address").

    When revealing the Surprise Destination, DRUMWIT shall send the "Customer" the "Travel Documentation" (see Condition 1.30, "Travel Documentation").
  • 2.15. And ... enjoy your trip, Drumwits.
  • 2.16. 2.16. As you can see, the entire "Booking Process" and "Purchase" of the "Drumwit Trip" is carried out online. DRUMWIT undertakes to offer an online service in accordance with laws currently in force, offering reasonable security conditions and in accordance with "Our" due diligence processes. DRUMWIT cannot and does not guarantee that the network, the internet and its "Website" will be operational at all times. If the "Website" suffers a service interruption, stops working as it should, or any other similar situation arises, DRUMWIT shall diligently and professionally strive to resolve the aforementioned issues. However, it shall not be held responsible for any inconvenience or problem that may arise in this regard for any "Customer" or potential "Customer" (interruption of the "Booking Process", etc.), although it shall assist these people by telephone to help them in whatever way it can.

    With regard to any other online outage or anomaly affecting the Internet as to the "Customer Email Address", etc., DRUMWIT shall be held harmless in this regard.


  • 3.1. When registering on our "Website", the "Customer" shall choose a username and password, which shall be subsequently confirmed by an email sent to the email address provided by the "Customer" ("CUSTOMER EMAIL ADDRESS", see Condition 1.24). The "Customer" must duly safeguard the keys and passwords provided to log in as a registered user, since they are personal and confidential, as well as all communications sent back and forth by any other means with DRUMWIT, with the "Customer" being responsible for any use by a third party to whom the aforementioned user has provided access and/or means and/or in the event of poor or negligent conservation or safekeeping of the aforementioned data or means of communication, even if the aforementioned people have done so without obtaining authorisation from the "Customer".

    Please bear in mind that the "Customer" (and/or the "Beneficiary") must print all the "Travel Documentation" at their own expense (see Condition 1.30), because DRUMWIT only provides it in digital format.

    The "Customer" shall be responsible for complying with all the obligations set forth in Condition 1.17 and others set forth in these "Conditions", in particular those vis-à-vis the "Customer Email Address" (see Condition 1.24).
  • 3.2. The "Customer" hereby undertakes to avail of the services and contents of the DRUMWIT "Website" in accordance with the Law and these "Terms and Conditions", and must refrain from using them to:
    • i. Transfer or pass on their username and password to unauthorised third parties, and must notify DRUMWIT forthwith vis-à-vis access by an unauthorised user to the aforementioned information.
    • ii. Install programs on the network that could damage the IT systems belonging to DRUMWIT, its Suppliers, Operators and/or third-party users of the internal network or this "Website".
    • iii. Carry out illegal activities, contrary to good faith, customs, morality or public order.
    • iv. Carry out activities that constitute a violation of regulations regarding intellectual and industrial property, trade secrets or any other regulation implemented by the applicable legal system, encompassing behaviour that may be considered libellous, defamatory or similar.
    • v. Reproduce, duplicate, sell or exploit any "Website" content for commercial purposes.
    • vi. Disseminate content of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic nature, that advocates terrorism and/or that violates human rights or fundamental rights in any wat whatsoever.
    • vii. Carry out any other activity contrary to the law and the contractual principle of good faith and must refrain from attacking or damaging the "Website".
    The "Customer" shall be responsible for the consequences of any such actions carried out under their username, including sanctions handed down by authorities. These obligations to correctly use and prohibit the misuse thereof shall also be understood to apply to our social networks that the "Customer" uses (see Condition 20). DRUMWIT may retain, by way of proof, the contents and/or acts of infringement, as well as reporting them to the competent authorities.
  • 3.3. The data recorded by DRUMWIT is presumed to be true and accurate and shall be retained by DRUMWIT for a minimum period of five (5) years from the date on which the "Booking" is made by the "Customer".

    The "Customer" may request a copy of their documentation from DRUMWIT, which shall be sent in digital format to the "Customer's Email Address".
  • 3.4. Communications sent by WhatsApp or similar, as well as telephone communications, emails, and any others, between DRUMWIT and the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary" shall also be presumed to be truthful and accurate and shall be understood to have obtained consent from all the parties involved
  • 3.5. The data provided by the "Customer" shall be processed by DRUMWIT in accordance with Conditions 4 ("PERSONAL DATA OF THE "CUSTOMER" AND/OR THE BENEFICIARY") and 13 ("PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION").
  • 3.6. DRUMWIT reserves the right to exclude from its "Customer" base any people who engage in inappropriate activities and/or actions, as indicated above, without prejudice to any other liability that such people may assume.


4.1. Responsibility assumed by the "Customer":

The "Customer" shall be responsible for correctly providing DRUMWIT with all their data, as well as those of the "Beneficiary", throughout the entire Registration, "Booking" and "Purchase" on our "Website".

The "Customer" must take special care when entering the email address ("Customer Email Address", see Condition 1.24), to which they shall be sent the "Travel Documentation" (see Condition 1.30), as well as the names of the third parties ("Beneficiary(ies)") whose data they enter, with it being understood that they have prior authorisation to do so.

IMPORTANT: The identification data provided by the "Customer" must be complete, accurate and as they appear on the person's ID card or passport, without abbreviations or nicknames, with the "Customer" being solely responsible vis-à-vis any anomaly or error in the data provided to DRUMWIT.

The "Customer" hereby undertakes to verify the accuracy of the "Booking" data, so that, once the "Booking" is completed, any errors, corrections or changes shall be at the "Customer's" exclusive expense. DRUMWIT shall not be held liable for errors attributable to the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary" and/or caused by unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances or circumstances beyond DRUMWIT's control. DRUMWIT shall strive to manage any change requested by the "Customer" once the "Booking" has been made but shall not be held liable in the event the change is not possible, with the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" being responsible for paying any "Extra" that may be accrued in this regard.

Should a "Beneficiary" have any special needs or require assistance of any kind at the "Airport" of origin or destination (reduced or limited mobility, etc.), and/or on board the "Aircraft", the "Customer" must indicate this in the "COMMENTS" section when making the "Booking" in order for this to be taken into account. DRUMWIT shall not be held liable in the event that boarding is denied, or for extra charges of any kind, with regard to such matters.

The "Customer" shall be personally liable as to the truthfulness and accuracy of the data and/or documents provided to DRUMWIT during the "Booking Process" and contracting of the "Drumwit Trip", including those relating to the method of payment. In particular, when formalising the contract, the "Customer" guarantees that they are the holder of the debit or credit card used or that they are authorised to do so by the cardholder, as well as making sure that the card has sufficient funds and that it will not be subsequently returned or cancelled. Any costs, fees, penalties and/or other consequences arising as a result of incorrect or fraudulent data entry shall be the responsibility of the "Customer".

DRUMWIT shall in no way be responsible for identity theft or misappropriation of payment methods committed by third parties, nor for any of the consequences thereof, as it is not obliged to detect them, although if it does so, it shall report them.

The "Customer" shall be responsible for notifying DRUMWIT of any changes to their data, without prejudice to any liability they may incur as a result. DRUMWIT reserves the right to exclude any "Customer" who has provided false information, without prejudice to any other legal action that may be taken against them.

DRUMWIT reserves the right to cancel the "Customer's" "Booking" in the event of not paying the full amount, bounced payment, if false data is entered or it is impossible to verify the "Customer's" card data, as well as if any serious anomaly not resolved during the booking process is detected. Any consequences arising from such cancellation, on these grounds, shall be attributable to the "Customer", without prejudice to any other legal action that may be taken against them.

DRUMWIT shall not be responsible if "Boarding", entry to the "Airport" or to the "Establishment" is denied, nor in any other cases arising from erroneous or inaccurate data, or any other anomaly or circumstance, when this is due to the data communicated or confirmed by the "Customer".

4.2. Personal Data Processing:

DRUMWIT is the owner of the database generated with the personal data provided by the "Customer" in the "Booking Process" on our "Website".

DRUMWIT hereby undertakes to comply with its obligation to treat personal data with the utmost confidentiality, and to this end, shall adopt the necessary measures to prevent the alteration, loss, unauthorised processing thereof or access thereto, taking into account at all times the state of technology in accordance with the provisions of legislation currently in force in Spain vis-à-vis protection of personal data.

Upon purchasing the "Drumwit Pack", the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" thereby accept that the personal data provided in the "Booking Process" shall be incorporated into an automated file, owned by DRUMWIT, with a view to duly providing the requested service, complying with the billing, accounting and, where appropriate, our Company's auditing requirements, performing statistical analysis, verifying credit cards and other payment cards, as well as conducting satisfaction surveys and sending commercial communications by email about other products marketed through the DRUMWIT "Website" and that DRUMWIT deems could be of interest to the "Customer", for any reason whatsoever.

In the event the "Customer" or the "Beneficiary" does not wish to receive commercial communications by electronic means, they may contact DRUMWIT at any time by sending an email to the following address: contact@drumwit.com.

The data shall be retained until the deletion thereof is requested (by sending an email to: contact@drumwit.com) or for the period of time legally stipulated in the regulations in force.

Similarly, with a view to providing the contracted service, the "Customer" hereby accepts that DRUMWIT shall communicate their data and those of the other "Beneficiaries", of a personal nature, to the providers of transport and accommodation services of the "Drumwit Trip" ("Operators" and "Collaborators").

In cases where it is not the "Customer" who shall avail of the contract, it is hereby understood that the "Customer" has obtained or expressly undertakes to obtain consent from any third parties who are to benefit from the contract ("Beneficiaries"), before communicating their data to DRUMWIT.

The document formalising the "Booking" of the contracted "Drumwit Pack" shall be filed in a database accessible only by DRUMWIT, as the party responsible therefor.

The "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" may identify and correct any errors made when entering personal data by notifying DRUMWIT, always following the process referred to in section 4.1, without prejudice to their responsibility assumed in this regard.

For more information in this regard, see Condition 13 "PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION".


  • 5.1. The price of our "Drumwit Trip" depends on the "Departure City" chosen, the type of "Drumwit Pack" ("Standard Pack" or "Deluxe Pack") chosen by the "Customer" and, where applicable, any "Extras" added by the "Customer". The Price of each type of "Drumwit Pack" ("Standard Pack" or "Deluxe Pack") shall be the price published at any given time on the DRUMWIT "Website", always with VAT included.
  • 5.2. When purchasing "Extras" corresponding to "Last Available Dates", "High Demand Dates", "Additional Rejected Destination(s)", "Time Restriction(s)", "Cabin bag guaranteed", "Drumwit Flexibility", "Seats together guaranteed", etc., the "Booking" shall incur the "Extra" to be borne by the "Customer" in accordance with the price published on our "Website" at any given moment always including VAT.
  • 5.3. Broadly speaking, the price of the "Drumwit Pack" (without "Extras") includes, always within the "Available Dates" on our "Calendar":
    • a) The e-ticket for the round trip "Flights", in economy class (basic option) and in the standard conditions offered by each "Airline", to be chosen by DRUMWIT, including airport taxes, within the "Travel Dates";
    • b) "Hand Luggage" (see Condition 1.33 "Hand Luggage") accepted free of charge by the "Airline", pursuant to the conditions set by the "Airline", on the outbound and return flights;
    • c) Accommodation for two (2) consecutive nights, within the "Travel Dates" in an "Establishment" of a category appropriate to the "Drumwit Pack" contracted, in the room type indicated in these "Conditions" (see Condition 1.35 "Establishment");
    • d) The mini-guide to the "Destination City" (see Condition 1.50 "Mini-guide" or "Drumwit Guide");
    • e) Management fee(s);
    • f) The corresponding Value Added Tax (VAT).
  • 5.4. As a rule, the Price(s) of our "Drumwit Pack" never include:
    • Extras including "Additional Night(s)", "Additional Rejected Destination(s)", "Time Restriction(s)", "Last Available Dates", "High Demand Dates", "Cabin bag guaranteed", "Drumwit Flexibility", "Seats together guaranteed" and any other not included in each "Drumwit Pack", and that shall be duly indicated on our website. See Condition 1.36.
    • Booking seats on the "Flights", nor any "Extra" for specific seat assignments on such "Flights". See Condition 1.7.
    • Online "Check-in" under non-free conditions. Please note that you may be required to check-in in person.
    • "Extras" for special requests regarding the "Flights" and/or the "Establishment". See Condition 1.36.
    • Travel to the "Airport" of origin and destination, at the sole expense of the "Beneficiary(ies)". Bear in mind that, on occasions, when a city has several "Airports" nearby, the outbound Flight and the return Flight may depart from different "Airports", which shall be duly communicated to the "Customer" when informing them of the "Destination". The "Beneficiary" shall be responsible for arriving at the "Airport" sufficiently in advance. Parking fees and other costs are not included.
    • Transport within the "Airport", between terminals, car parks, taxi ranks, bus stops, stations or other areas within the airport grounds.
    • Transport between the destination "Airport" and the "Destination City" and/or the assigned "Establishment", at the exclusive expense of the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary(ies)". In some cities, the "Establishment" may provide, as a gesture of goodwill, "Beneficiary(ies)" with a transport voucher to the "Airport" but it shall never be demanded.
    • Food and beverages during the "Flights", or any other kind of drinks while travelling to the "Airport" of the "Destination City".
    • Breakfast at the "Establishment", except in the "Deluxe Pack", in which case it shall be included. DRUMWIT shall do its utmost to obtain the best accommodation conditions for the "Beneficiary(ies)" (toiletries, etc.) in each of the "Establishments" DRUMWIT works with. However, it shall not be responsible in this regard. Gestures of goodwill shall always be considered free courtesies or upgrades for the "Customer", although they cannot be demanded.
    • Half-board or full-board at the "Establishment" or in the "Destination City", at the expense of the "Beneficiary" at all times.
    • Luggage check-in.
    • Transportation of animals or pets.
    • Transportation of luggage and/or special objects (bicycles, surfboards, musical instruments, drones, delicate objects, etc.), whether for personal or professional use; except for "Hand Luggage" accepted at no additional cost by the "Airline".
    • Excursions, entrance fees, tourist guides and transport other than those indicated herein.
    • Free Wi-Fi, parking and other extras in the "Establishment".
    • Traditional post, courier or physical delivery of documentation (they shall be sent online).
    • No additional costs that may arise from the check-in process (whether the passenger has forgotten the "Boarding Pass" or when the "Traveller" needs to check-in in person).
    • Flight cancellation and/or delay insurance, assistance insurance, medical coverage, damage insurance, theft insurance or any other insurance, which must be taken out separately by the "Customer".
    • Fees or supplements applied by "Operators" or "Partners", in particular tourist tax or any other fees that come into effect, etc.
    • Departure taxes, if any, to be paid at the airports if any.
    • Assistance to unaccompanied "Minors" during the Flight.
    • No other additional expense.
    • Any other item not expressly included in the "Drumwit Pack".
    The "Beneficiary" shall be given a telephone number provided by DRUMWIT to call on any of the days on their Trip should they have any kind of problem, as set out in Condition. 16 "TRAVEL ASSISTANCE".
  • 5.5. Once purchased, the price of the "Drumwit Pack" may not change. The DRUMWIT "Website" shall state the "Price" in force at any given time.
  • 5.6. The commercial promotions carried out by DRUMWIT shall be governed by the provisions thereof. By definition, they shall be non-cumulative and shall automatically expire at the time determined by DRUMWIT. Use of the code provided by DRUMWIT in each promotion shall imply full acceptance by the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" of the conditions of the promotion in question. The "Customer" shall be held responsible for the irregular, illicit or fraudulent use of a promotional code.
  • 5.7. DRUMWIT hereby undertakes to act with due diligence, professionalism and dedication to provide an excellent service to the "Customer" from the moment the "Purchase" is formalised until the "Drumwit Trip" is finished.


  • 6.1. Payment of the "Price" of the "Trip" is necessarily and obligatorily ensured by making the payment upon completion of "the Booking Process" of the "Drumwit Trip", with immediate effect. Once the "Purchase" is completed, and due to the special economic characteristics of the "Drumwit Trip", the "Price" is non-refundable (See Condition 9 "WITHDRAWAL OF THE "CUSTOMER" OR THE "BENEFICIARY": THE DRUMWIT TRIP IS NON-REFUNDABLE").
  • 6.2. As indicated on our "Website" and in Condition 2 (in which we explain how the "Website" works), payment of the "Price" of the "Drumwit Pack" may be made by the "Customer" through of any payment methods accepted on our "Website" at the time of formalising the "Purchase".

    We currently accept bank credit or debit cards (Visa, Eurocard or MasterCard) and PayPal. DRUMWIT may change these payment methods at any time, with only those that are operational on the "Website" upon formalising the "Purchase" being accepted.

    The "Customer" must indicate, in the section provided for this purpose, the card number and its expiration date, as well as its Card Verification Value (usually located on the back of the Card). DRUMWIT safeguards the confidentiality and security of the "Customer's" banking details provided through the "Website" when making the "Booking".
  • 6.3. In any case, the "Customer" shall be personally responsible as to the truthfulness and accuracy of the data and/or documents provided to DRUMWIT during the "Booking Process" of the "Drumwit Trip", including that relating to the method of payment. In particular, when formalising the contract, the "Customer" guarantees that they are the holder of the debit or credit card used or that they are authorised to use it by the cardholder, as well as making sure that the card has sufficient funds and that it shall not be subsequently returned or cancelled.
  • 6.4. The entire amount of the "Booking" shall be debited from the bank card (or charged in full, in the case of other means of payment) on the same day on which the "Booking" is made, which is authorised by the "Customer" when formalising the "Purchase".
  • 6.5. DRUMWIT reserves the right to suspend the "Booking" if the payment authorisation is rejected by the bank, always without prejudice to the joint responsibility for payment assumed by the "Customer" and, where applicable, the "Beneficiary".
  • 6.6. In the event of a chargeback on a credit card or any other type of non-payment by the "Customer", for any reason not attributable to DRUMWIT, either before or after the Trip, DRUMWIT may take action, at its discretion, against the "Customer" and/or against each of the "Beneficiaries" of the Drumwit Trip, who shall be liable for the total debt owed to DRUMWIT, jointly and severally with each other, without prejudice to the right of recovery that exists between them. Among others, also see Conditions 1.9 ("BENEFICIARY" or "TRAVELLER" or "PASSENGER"), 1.17 ("CUSTOMER" or "CONTRACTING PARTY") and 6.5. (Right to suspend the processing of the "BOOKING").
  • 6.7. The "Customer" and the "Beneficiary(ies)" are jointly and severally liable before DRUMWIT for the consequences of any fraudulent, malicious, unlawful or abusive use of any of the payment methods used in the "Booking" and/or for the fraudulent, malicious, unlawful or abusive exercise of the cancellation and/or other rights that cover the purchaser or consumer, which must be exercised in good faith and in accordance with the regulations in force in all cases. DRUMWIT reserves the right to take action in such cases.
  • 6.8. DRUMWIT is registered under the Special Regime for Travel Agencies (REAV) and shall therefore be exempt from filing VAT separately on the invoices it issues. DRUMWIT shall not issue an invoice payable by the "Customer" unless requested to do so, in which case it shall be sent to the "Customer's email address".


  • 7.1. The "Drumwit Trip" is subject to these "General Terms and Conditions", that are hereby accepted by the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary", upon entering into contract and travelling with DRUMWIT.
  • 7.2. The "Customer" and/or "Beneficiary" hereby accepts that, in addition to these "Terms and Conditions", the "Drumwit Trip" is subject to the specific conditions implemented by each "Operator" of the "Flight" (in particular vis-à-vis the general terms and conditions of carriage) and of the selected "Establishment".

    The "Customer", by making the "Purchase", and the "Beneficiary(ies)", by travelling, hereby accept that DRUMWIT or the "Airline" may add an air stopover as well as bus or train transport in a city to their journey on their way to the final destination, if need be, due to special circumstances, informing the "Customer" in this regard, either when sending the "Travel Documentation" or at any other time during their journey, if applicable.

    The "Customer" and the "Beneficiary(ies)" hereby accept that, should the "Flight" be delayed or cancelled, the "Airline" shall only be liable in the legally established cases and in accordance with the conditions set forth in the European Regulations, waiving any other claim against the "Operator(s)". They also accept that DRUMWIT shall not be responsible for any such cancellations or delays, over which DRUMWIT has no decision-making power, being held harmless against any claims whatsoever in this regard.
  • 7.3. Responsibility assumed by the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary(ies)": Upon entering into contract with DRUMWIT and/or enjoying the "Drumwit Pack", they all undertake to assume the responsibilities set forth in Condition 1 (see Conditions 1.9. "BENEFICIARY" or "TRAVELLER" or "PASSENGER"1.17. "CUSTOMER" or "CONTRACTING PARTY"), in accordance with the terms set forth in 1 , with DRUMWIT being held harmless in this regard.

    Any refusal by an "Operator" or a "Partner" to perform the service in favour of a given "Beneficiary" on grounds attributable to the latter and/or the "Customer", in view of the failure to comply with these rules, shall not be considered as any type of discrimination whatsoever or as non-compliance, and neither DRUMWIT, the "Operator" nor the "Partner" involved shall assume responsibility in this regard. DRUMWIT shall not be held liable for such events under any circumstances whatsoever. The "Customer" or the "Beneficiary" shall be liable for their own actions and omissions, in accordance with the regulations in force.
  • 7.4. Role and responsibility assumed by DRUMWIT: DRUMWIT, as a Travel Agency, shall only act as an intermediary between the user and the "Operator" and the "Partner", without promising or performing any services other than those set forth in these "Terms and Conditions", and shall therefore only be liable for its activity on the sole basis of its scope of management, in accordance with the Law. DRUMWIT shall assume no liability whatsoever for any damage for which DRUMWIT is not responsible.

    DRUMWIT hereby undertakes to process the "Customer's" "Booking" with due diligence and professionalism, in accordance with the specifications thereof, to send the corresponding "Travel Documentation" to the "Customer", relating to their "Booking", in accordance with the "Terms and Conditions" set forth herein.

    In the event of an error attributable to DRUMWIT, it shall be entitled to resolve it when possible and, if this is not possible, it shall offer the "Customer" or the "Beneficiary" an alternative solution, as applicable, or it shall reimburse the amount paid, always within the maximum refund limit of the amount paid for the "Drumwit Pack" that is the object of the error attributable to DRUMWIT.

    The contract of carriage by air is deemed to be concluded between the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary" and the "Airline" in question. The accommodation contract is understood to be concluded between the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary" and the "Establishment" in question. The "Operator" and the "Partner" are responsible for the obligations incumbent upon them depending on their scope of management. The "Operators" and "Partners", as well as the "Airports" selected by DRUMWIT have taken out the necessary professional liability insurances and hold all the authorisations or diplomas that allow them to carry out their activities (operating licences and Air Operator certificates). The "Operators" and the "Partners" and/or the "Airports" are liable before the "Customer" or the "Beneficiary" for failure to comply with the services contracted, in accordance with conditions set forth in the applicable regulations and/or in their general terms and conditions, which the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" must be informed about in this regard, as they shall be understood to have accepted them when entering into contract with DRUMWIT.

    As mentioned, DRUMWIT shall also not be held liable for any "Flight" delays or cancellations, on any grounds whatsoever, but rather, where appropriate and pursuant to regulations in force, the "Airline" shall be responsible for the Flight or, where applicable, the "Airport" affected by the grounds for delay and/or cancellation. In the event that, between notifying the "Customer" of the "Drumwit Destination" (sending the "Travel Documentation") and the departure of the "Outbound Flight", the outbound and/or return flight is cancelled for any reason beyond DRUMWIT's control, the "Drumwit Trip" shall be understood to be cancelled due to the cancellation of the flight(s), with the European or Spanish regulations in this respect being applicable to the "Airline" or the "Airport". DRUMWIT shall also not be responsible should a passenger be denied boarding (or access) due to any other cause beyond DRUMWIT's control (such as overbooking or other), with the "Operator" being liable to the "Customer" or the "Beneficiary" pursuant to the conditions set forth in the applicable regulations and/or in its general terms and conditions, of which the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" must be informed. In the event that the outbound and return flights are operated by different "Airlines", it shall be understood that the "Customer" (and/or the "Beneficiary") enters into two (2) contracts of carriage, with the specific conditions of the "Operator" in question being applicable to each of the aforementioned "Flights". If there are two (2) independent contracts of carriage, if one of the "Operators" cancels one of the journeys, this does not imply that the other journey is cancelled.

    As far as possible and, in accordance with article 161 of the General Consumer and User Protection Act and other Complementary Laws, DRUMWIT shall collaborate in the most effective way possible with any "Customer" and/or "Beneficiary" affected by a long delay or in the event that one or several "Flights" have been cancelled, informing them in accordance with the Law and striving to help them in good faith as much as possible, passing on solutions offered by the "Airline", carrying out paperwork, etc., although without assuming responsibility in this regard. DRUMWIT shall not provide the "Customer" or the "Beneficiary" with documents such as invoices for "Flights" or "Establishments", as they are collective purchases containing personal data belonging to other DRUMWIT Customers, which shall be understood to be accepted by the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" when contracting and/or travelling with DRUMWIT, although it shall collaborate free of charge, within its possibilities, and without offering any guarantee of success, with the "Customer", when requested by the latter during any complaint process that the latter may wish to file against the "Airline", the "Airport" and/or the "Establishment" and shall provide its own certificate relating to the journey of the "Beneficiary(ies)" and the conditions thereof.

    When the "Customer" is affected by a long delay or flight and/or Hotel booking cancellation, and this occurs outside of the "DRUMWIT Customer Service Opening Time" (See Condition 15), the "Operator" shall be responsible for assisting the "Customer", offering them whatever alternatives are available. It is hereby stated for all intents and purposes that the "Operators" have all the necessary information to assist the "Customer" and that they do not require DRUMWIT's involvement to take action.
  • 7.5. DRUMWIT shall in no case be held liable should it be impossible to fulfil its obligations due to force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances, whatever the nature thereof. In such cases, the "Operators" and "Collaborators" shall also be held harmless.


  • 8.1. Once the "Booking" has been confirmed, it shall be deemed to be firm and shall be non-modifiable and non-transferable, with the sole exception of having purchased the "Drumwit Flexibility" (see Condition 1.42 and 8.2) as, due to the special characteristics of our "Drumwit Packs", the position occupied by the "Beneficiary(ies)" cannot be passed on to third parties, to whom the personalisation of options (Europe/Spain; departure and return travel dates; departure city; rejected destinations; time restriction/s; etc.) chosen for them by the "Customer", within the options listed on our "Website", shall be applied. The "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" alike declare, by entering into contract with DRUMWIT, to be aware of and accept the special conditions and characteristics of the "Drumwit Packs" and waive any claim against DRUMWIT on the aforementioned grounds.

    From the moment the "Purchase" is completed, it shall be understood that the "Customer" is requesting DRUMWIT to contract the "Drumwit Trip", that shall be exercised thereby forthwith.

    The "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" hereby accept, pursuant to Article 157 of the General Consumer and User Protection Act, that there are no other people who meet all the conditions required for the "Drumwit Pack" other than those indicated in the "Booking" as "Beneficiaries", hereby accepting the non-transferable nature thereof. This means that the actual transfer costs are equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of the "Price" of the "Drumwit Pack", due to the special characteristics of our "Drumwit Pack".

    RECOMMENDATION: Should it be necessary to modify the identity or details of one or more "Beneficiary(ies)", or the number of travellers, the Customer should contact DRUMWIT forthwith with a view to being assisted in the best possible way. It should be noted that, broadly speaking, the "Airlines" do not permit the name on a "Ticket" already issued to be changed.
  • 8.2. Notwithstanding Condition 8.1 the "Customer", if they so wish, may select the "Drumwit Flexibility" option, at an "Extra" cost indicated on the "Website", which permits them, one (1) time only per "Booking", to choose one (1) of the three (3) different options: either to suspend the "Drumwit Trip" or modify the "Travel Dates" or change the name(s) of the "Traveller(s)", for any reason whatsoever, provided that DRUMWIT is notified by sending an email to contact@drumwit.com, up to a maximum of thirty (30) calendar days before the scheduled start date of the "Drumwit Trip". See Condition 1.42.

    In no case shall the "Drumwit Flexibility" option grant the "Customer" or the "Beneficiary" any right to a refund of any amount. If the "Drumwit Flexibility" option is not used within the validity period (from the date of "Purchase" up to 30 calendar days before the start of the "Drumwit Trip") it shall not entitle the "Customer" or the "Beneficiary" to any reimbursement whatsoever.


Upon completing the "Booking", the "Customer" is thereby requesting DRUMWIT to proceed with contracting the "Drumwit Trip", a request from the "Customer" that "We" shall process as quickly as possible. This, coupled with the special economic conditions that the "Drumwit Trip" is subject to, determine that the "Contract" must be understood to be executed from that very moment, and shall not be able to be modified or cancelled, as we explain in greater detail. To be able to offer the range of "Destinations" that DRUMWIT offers at the "Price" it charges, it works with special rates and financial conditions, with restrictions, and/or meaning that it is not possible to change or cancel "Tickets" and "Accommodation". All of which shall be understood to be known and accepted by the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary", without reservations of any kind.

  • 9.1. For the aforementioned reasons, once the "Purchase" has been confirmed, the "Customer's" "Booking" cannot be modified at the "Customer's" request nor at the "Beneficiary(ies)'" request.

    Without prejudice to the foregoing, DRUMWIT shall do its utmost to assist the "Customer" who contacts it forthwith (or as soon as possible once the "Booking" has been made) and if we are in a position to confirm the feasibility of the change, we shall proceed therewith. The consequences of any changes, if possible, shall be borne by the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary" (costs, fees, etc.), who are jointly and severally liable, holding DRUMWIT harmless in this regard.

    RECOMMENDATION: Should it be necessary to modify the identity or details of one or more "Beneficiary(ies)", or the number of travellers, as well as the dates of the outbound and/or return flights, type of "Drumwit Pack" purchased ("Standard Pack" or "Deluxe Pack") or "Extras" purchased, etc., the Customer should contact DRUMWIT forthwith with a view to being assisted in the best possible way.
  • 9.2. Similarly, and for the reasons outlined, once the "Purchase" has been formalised, the "Customer's" "Booking" may not be cancelled by them nor the "Beneficiary", given the special circumstances of our "Drumwit Packs", for specific dates previously chosen by the "Customer" and confirmed by them, with the "Contract" having been executed in that regard. The "Customer" hereby declares that they understand and accept these circumstances as well as the exceptions set forth in the General Consumer and User Protection Act (specifically in sections a) and/or l) and concordant sections of article 103) to the right of withdrawal, thereby freely and expressly accepting it as an agreement in the "Contract". The "Beneficiary" is also subject to the aforementioned declaration and agreement entered into by the "Customer".

    On the other hand, and in particular in accordance with Art. 160. 1 of the aforementioned Law, DRUMWIT hereby informs the "Customer" that, because it works with the most cost-effective "Airline", "Establishment" and/or other "Operator" offers and fares, should the "Customer" cancel or withdraw, broadly speaking, the costs shall accrue in any case, therefore no cost savings or recovery of expenses incurred shall be foreseen, nor can a benefit be obtained from a hypothetical alternative use of the Trip services (since – as a rule – changes to the names of airline tickets or Establishment bookings, etc., are not permitted). Therefore, it is hereby set forth and accepted by the "Customer" in accepting these General Terms and Conditions upon Booking that, once the "Drumwit Pack" has been contracted, should the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary" cancel the Booking, unless the cancellation is on grounds of Force Majeure in accordance with the law, such cancellation shall entail a penalty in this regard equivalent to the total price (100%), without the right to any refund, irrespective of the date on which the withdrawal is notified by the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary". In the event that, in a "Booking" made for a number of people, one of the "Travellers" withdraws from the "Drumwit Trip" and this leads to additional expenses having to be assumed by the accompanying persons (such as, for example, a surcharge for a single room in the "Establishment"), the remaining accompanying person(s) must pay the "Extra", without prejudice to the liability that the "Traveller" who withdraws from the "Drumwit Trip" may assume with respect thereto.
  • 9.3. Pursuant to Article 160.2 of the General Consumer and User Protection Act, it is hereby noted that, as at the date on which these Terms and Conditions are published (2023), the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences shall not be considered to be unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances in the destination city, since the "Traveller" is free to travel, with adequate and known sanitary measures in place.
  • 9.4. Pursuant to Article 161.5 of the General Consumer and User Protection Act, the period of fourteen (14) days to exercise the right of withdrawal shall be subject to the start date of the "Drumwit Trip" (if the period between the purchase date and the start date of the "Drumwit Trip" is less than the aforementioned period, the applicable period shall be shortened to the calendar days remaining until the start date of the Trip) and the requirement that DRUMWIT has not already contracted the "Flights" and/or the "Accommodation" for the "Beneficiaries" of that "Drumwit Trip", in which case the cancellation costs shall be duly deducted.


  • 10.1. Each "Drumwit Trip" (excluding "Extras") purchased and paid for gives the "Customer" the option of accumulating "Drumwit Points", giving them access to discounts off their next "Drumwit Pack". The Drumwit Points may not be combined with other promotions in the same "Drumwit Trip".
  • 10.2. The "Drumwit Points" are valid for a period of one (1) full calendar year from the day (inclusive) on which they were generated, which is the date on which the price of the "Drumwit Trip" has been paid for. After the period of validity, the "Drumwit Points" shall automatically expire.
  • 10.3. The "Drumwit Points" shall be counted as follows:
    • For each Euro paid for the "Drumwit Trip" ("Standard Pack"/"Deluxe Pack"), by the "Customer", always excluding "Extras", the "Customer" shall earn (1) "Drumwit Point".
    • The "Points" of several "Drumwit Trips" can be accumulated within the same period of validity up to a maximum discount equivalent to 3,000 points (no higher discount applies if more than 3,000 points have been accumulated).
  • 10.4. The "Drumwit Points" are only redeemable by the "Customer" for Drumwit Discounts off one or multiple future "Drumwit Trips" made by the same "Customer". The "Drumwit Points" may never be exchanged for cash or other gifts.
    500 points gets you: €15 Drumwit discount
    With 1,000: €40 Drumwit discount
    With 1,500: €60 Drumwit discount
    With 2,000: €100 Drumwit discount
    With 3,000 (or more): €150 Drumwit discount
  • 10.5. The total number of "Drumwit Points" corresponding to a "Booking" shall be attributed to the "Customer", unless there is an express agreement on the distribution of points between the "Customer", the "Beneficiary" and DRUMWIT. Get in touch with us if you'd like to share out the "Drumwit Points" with a view to looking into the feasibility thereof.
  • 10.6. DRUMWIT is free to modify the value of the "Drumwit Points" and/or of the discounts offered, at any time, by modifying these "Terms and Conditions", although those who have already redeemed their Points or have requested the redemption thereof shall be respected.
  • 10.7. The "Drumwit Points" are personal (in favour of the "Customer") and may not be transferred to third parties, under any circumstances or legal form, unless a sharing agreement has been entered into between the "Beneficiary" and DRUMWIT, pursuant to these "Terms and Conditions".
  • 10.8. The use of "Drumwit Points" does not generate new "Drumwit Points", as these are only granted in exchange for the euros actually paid by the "Customer" when "Purchasing" one or more of our "Packs".
  • 10.9. Misuse of the points programme, or, broadly speaking, any serious or repeated infringement by the Customer of these "Terms and Conditions", may result in the total number of points being no longer being valid by way of a fine.


  • 11.1. Our "Drumwit Gift Cards" can only be used for the purpose of purchasing one or more "Drumwit Pack(s)" offered on our "Website". Each "Gift Card" must only be used once (as one gift card goes towards one purchase). The issuer of the "Gift Card" is DRUMWIT (you can see all our details in Condition 15).

    Please, bear in mind that we do not issue a physical card as such; our "Gift Card" is a postcard that we send by email that the "Customer" must print out at their own expense.
  • 11.2.The "Customer" chooses the type of "Drumwit Pack" ("Standard Pack" or "Deluxe Pack"), the departure "Airport", the number of travellers and the number of days, indicating the name of the "Beneficiary" of the "Gift Card". When "Purchasing" the Gift Card an email address must be indicated (see Condition 1.24 "Customer Email Address).

    Once the corresponding amount has been paid, as indicated in the "Booking Process" on our "Website", the "Customer" shall be sent an email from DRUMWIT with the "DRUMWIT Gift Card", which must be printed, if they wish to physically give it to the person receiving the gift, or simply forward our email to that person.

    Although during the "Process" we shall ask for some details about the Gift recipient, DRUMWIT shall not contact them directly, at this stage only communicating with the "Customer" who has bought the "Gift Card".
  • 11.3. The "Gift Card" is nominative and is issued in favour of the "Beneficiary", who must be one of the "Travellers" benefiting from the "Drumwit Pack".

    It shall be the person receiving the gift ("Beneficiary") who must choose the "Travel Dates", and the Destinations they wish to reject included in their "Drumwit Pack", always within the period of validity of the "Gift Card". If they wish, the "Beneficiary" may add "Time Restriction(s), "Additional Rejected Destination(s)", and/or other "Extras", bearing the cost thereof.
  • 11.4. The "Gift Card" shall contain a Code, required for the "Beneficiary" to formalise the "Booking".

    The "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" shall be responsible for safeguarding this code, with a view to avoiding misuse by third parties.

    The risk of loss of the "Gift Card", and the ownership of the "Gift Card", shall be transferred to the "Customer" when the "Gift Card" is sent to the "Customer's email address". DRUMWIT shall resend the "Gift Card" to the "Customer" upon request, provided that the "Gift Card" code has not already been used.

    DRUMWIT shall not be held liable in the event of loss, theft or destruction of any Gift Card, nor in the event of the use thereof without the "Customer's" permission. Under no circumstances shall the "Customer" be entitled to a refund of the amount paid for the "Gift Card".
  • 11.5. To avail of the "Gift Card", the "Beneficiary" shall only have to formalise the "Booking", following the process on our "Website" (see Condition 1.68, "BOOKING PROCESS"), selecting the "Departure City", "Travel Dates" (departure and return), and adding any "Extras".

    When the "Beneficiary" reaches the payment method screen, the "Beneficiary" can charge the price of the "Pack" to the existing balance on the "Gift Card", by entering the corresponding code indicated on the "Gift Card", and the amount thereof shall be automatically applied.
  • 11.6. The "Gift Card" shall always be understood to be based on the standard fare, therefore if the "Beneficiary" wishes to travel on "Last Available Dates" or "High Demand Dates", or to add "Extras" of any kind, an "Extra" shall be incurred, the cost of which shall be borne by the "Beneficiary". If the Gift Card purchased is a "Standard Pack", the "Beneficiary" may purchase a "Deluxe Pack", bearing the difference in cost.

    The "Beneficiary" of the "Gift Card" may therefore add the "Extras" they desire, when "Booking" their Trip, in accordance with the payment rules indicated.

    Any "Extra" that is not included in the amount of the "Gift Card" shall be borne by the "Beneficiary". They shall also bear the cost of any difference owed to DRUMWIT between the "Purchase" amount and the available Gift Card balance. The aforementioned differential amount must be paid forthwith by the "Beneficiary" by any of the payment methods available on our "Website", since, without the aforementioned additional payment being made, it shall not be possible to complete the "Booking Process".

    In redeeming their "Gift Card", by completing the "Booking Process", the "Beneficiary" must comply with these "General Terms and Conditions", acquiring the role of "Customer".

    IMPORTANT: Any "Gift Card" balance remaining after the "Purchase" cannot be used at a later date, as the "Gift Card" shall be used up once it is redeemed, with the assigned code expiring. Should doubts arise, please get in touch with "Us" before finalising the "Booking Process".
  • 11.7. The "Gift Card" automatically expires after two (2) full years, from the date on which it is issued (inclusive), during which time the "Trip" must be booked.
  • 11.8. It is not possible to use the "Gift Card" to acquire other "Gift Cards". It shall also not be possible to reload, convert, resell, transfer or redeem the "Gift Card" for cash. Whoever received this DRUMWIT Gift Card shall only be able to redeem it by booking a "DRUMWIT Trip".

    Not using the "Gift Card" during the period of validity shall in no caseentitle the "Customer" or the "Beneficiary" to any reimbursement whatsoever.

    The "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" hereby accept that, after the period of validity of the "Gift Card" has expired, the "Gift Card" shall be invalid, unless DRUMWIT is contacted and there is the possibility of reactivating it for an "Extra" cost, which shall be looked into on a case-by-case basis depending on the time elapsed since the gift card expired and which in no case shall exceed one hundred (100) euros.
  • 11.9. In all other respects, these "Terms and Conditions" shall apply to the "Gift Card" with the "Gift Card" being deemed to be equivalent to our "Drumwit Pack", for such purposes. The "Drumwit Trip" booked using the code assigned on the "Gift Card" shall, of course, comply with our "Terms and Conditions".


The "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" hereby accept that the legislation applicable to this service is the Law currently in force in Spain and, where applicable, European or international regulations. The Courts and Tribunals determined by Spanish law shall have jurisdiction should any disputes arising vis-à-vis the interpretation or implementation of these clauses.

At EU level, Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 February 2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights.

Also see Condition 1.46. ("Law").


At DRUMWIT, we protect the personal data of our "Customers", "Beneficiary(ies)", "Partners", "Operators" and other people we deal with in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679.

The data belonging to "Customers" and "Beneficiaries", as well as "Partners" and other people, shall be processed with the utmost confidentiality with a view to managing the existing commercial relationship and being able to inform about the products and/or services we provide, processing the "Booking" and requesting information about products and services and to improve the quality of the service.

The data shall be retained until the deletion thereof is requested (by sending an email to: contact@drumwit.com) or for the period of time legally stipulated in the regulations in force.

DRUMWIT is entitled to process your data because it is necessary to provide the contracted service, as well as on the grounds of the consent given by accepting these "Terms and Conditions".

To run the service, DRUMWIT needs to transfer "Beneficiaries'" data. If such transfer involves the identification of specific natural persons, this shall constitute a communication of personal data, set forth in Article 8 of Organic Law 3/2018 as "Processing of data for legal obligation, public interest or exercise of public powers "1. Personal data processing may only be considered to be based on the fulfilment of a legal obligation incumbent on the Data Controller, in accordance with Article 6(1)(c) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, when so provided for by a regulation of European Union law or a regulation in force, which may determine the general conditions of the processing and the types of data subject to it as well as the transfers that may be made with a view to fulfilling the legal obligation. Such regulation may also set forth special conditions on the processing, such as adopting additional security measures or other measures set forth in Chapter IV of Regulation (EU) 2016/679. 2. Processing personal data may only be considered to be based on the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or to exercise official authority vested in the Data Controller, pursuant to Article 6(1)e) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, when it derives from a competence conferred by a regulation having the force of law.

Data Subjects may, at any time, exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability of their data, and the limitation of or opposition to the processing thereof, by writing to: contact@drumwit.com.

The data subject also as the right to file a claim before the Supervisory Authority (www.aepd.es) if they believe that the processing is not in accordance with current regulations.


DRUMWIT reserves the right to modify these "General Terms and Conditions", without prior notice, although such changes shall not be applicable to the "DRUMWIT Trips" previously contracted, under the aforementioned Terms and Conditions, unless accepted by the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary(ies)".

See Condition 22, for more details.


  • 15.1. Should the data subject have any queries, communications or suggestions, they may contact DRUMWIT, S.L.U., Av. Diagonal 439 3º - 1ª - 08036 Barcelona, although we RECOMMEND doing so, as it is much more operational,
    • either by calling +34 622 117 077
    • or by email to contact@drumwit.com
    Our full identification details are given below.

    Although we hope that this is not the case, should the data subject wish to file a complaint or claim, they should get in contact through the same channels.

    DRUMWIT shall not be responsible nor liable for queries and other communications made to third parties, including "Airlines", "Airports" and "Establishments", directly by the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary(ies)".
  • 15.2. DRUMWIT's identification details are:
    • Company name: DRUMWIT, S.L. (Single Shareholder Company)
      Company incorporated under Spanish law
      Tax ID: B 67054270
      Registered office: Av. Diagonal 439 3º - 1ª - 08036 Barcelona.
      Registration information: Registered at the Barcelona Mercantile Registry in volume 46053, folio 150, page B-507756.
      Domain name: www.drumwit.com.
  • 15.3. Our opening hours are those published on our website at any given time.

    These Opening Hours are subject to unilateral modification by DRUMWIT. We are committed to indicating it at all times on our "Website".

    Please check it if you are unable to reach us, as it will more than likely be out of hours. In any case, leave us a written or voice message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Our opening hours are currently from Monday to Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • 15.4. As a Travel Agency, our responsibility is limited. Please check sections 7.4. and 7.5. of Condition 7 above and get in touch if you have any questions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, should the Customer wish to file a complaint against "Us", we shall inform the Customer in accordance with the Law and either handle the complaint on their behalf or pass it on to whom it may concern in accordance with the Law.


We will be there for you on your "Drumwit Trip" at all times during our Customer Service Opening Hours (see Condition 15). Furthermore, the "Beneficiary" may send us messages, requests or complaints about their "Drumwit Pack", by email, WhatsApp or telephone.

DRUMWIT shall provide the "Customer", upon notifying them of the "Surprise Destination", with the DRUMWIT customer support line that they can call on their "Trip" (even on weekends) in the event of a problem/and or emergency. The telephone line will be active during our opening hours. (see Condition 15) and will have a voicemail service should you need to contact "Us" outside these hours. Our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible to assist you.

Once your communication has been received, our Team shall forward such messages, requests or complaints to the corresponding Manager forthwith.

Should you have any serious difficulties, DRUMWIT shall do its utmost to provide you with adequate information with regards to health services, local authorities and consular assistance, or alternative travel arrangements. However, it is the responsibility of the "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" to become informed in advance and to act responsibly, holding DRUMWIT harmless. In such cases, if an alternative solution is found for the "Customer" or the "Beneficiary", DRUMWIT may charge the "Customer" a reasonable surcharge for providing such assistance, equivalent to the actual costs incurred.

IMPORTANT: Remember that your "Drumwit Pack" does not come with any insurance for travel assistance, illness, repatriation, theft or, broadly speaking, cover for any other claim or problem.. If the "Customer" or the "Beneficiary" wishes to contract it, which is always advisable to avoid or minimise the impact of unforeseen circumstances, certain cases of cancellation and to cover certain special risks, such as the cost of repatriation in the event of accident or illness, they must do so separately, by contacting the Insurance Brokerage or Company of their choice, assuming responsibility for ensuring that the insurance policy taken out, if applicable, is appropriate to cover their needs.


  • 17.1. The "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary" should report any errors in their "Booking" and/or any other "Contract" documentation to DRUMWIT, as well as any other non-conformities forthwith, by any of the means indicated below, with a view to DRUMWIT assisting them to resolve this matter as quickly as possible:
    • Telephone: +34 622 117 077
    • Email address: contact@drumwit.com
    We shall assist you within our opening hours, or as soon as possible, outside these hours.
  • 17.2. Any complaint or claim should be sent to DRUMWIT using the following channels:
    • by sending a letter to our postal address [Av. Diagonal 439 3º - 1ª - 08036 Barcelona],
    • by calling +34 622 117 077
    • by writing to us at the email address: contact@drumwit.com
    We will get back to you as soon as possible.
  • 17.3. In the hypothetical event of having to go to court, the matter shall be dealt with by the Spanish courts and, more specifically, those of the city of Barcelona, where the Contract is understood to have been entered into, unless the Law imperatively indicates another jurisdiction.
  • 17.4. You are hereby informed that the European Commission offers an Online Dispute Resolution Platform to help consumers and businesses resolve their disputes without having to take the matter before the courts, which can be accessed here: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.


The "Drumwit Pack" does not include transportation of pets or animals.

IMPORTANT: Should a "Customer" wish to travel with any kind of animal(s), it is of utmost importance that they contact DRUMWIT beforehand to validate the feasibility of the Contract. In any case, the "CUSTOMER" and the "Beneficiary(ies)" shall assume the restrictions, limitations, conditions and extra expenses derived from transporting and accommodating the animal, in the event that it is viable, as well as any civil responsibility derived from possession of the animal, holding DRUMWIT harmless in this regard. Please note that, despite the feasibility of the Contract, there are limits on the maximum number of animals that can travel aboard a single "Aircraft". Furthermore, the "Operator" and the "Partner" may refuse, upon "Boarding" or "check-in", any animal for any applicable reason, including the case that the characteristics of the animal (bad odour, general health condition, hygiene, violent behaviour) could disturb or pose a threat to the other passengers or guests. Animals may not be transported in a seat located in the emergency exits or in the first row of the "Aircraft", even if this "Extra" has been paid for. The "Customer" and the "Beneficiary" shall be solely responsible for ensuring that the regulations of the country of destination authorise the transport and entry of the animal into the country in accordance with local laws and that the animal (i) complies with all required hygiene measures and (ii) has all the necessary documentation with regard to the custody and transport thereof and shall be jointly and severally liable for any damages (such as fines handed down by the country of destination of the flight, etc.) that the "Partner", the "Operator" or DRUMWIT itself may be incur due transporting the animal without the appropriate documentation.


  • 19.1. As a rule, the content of our "Website" (including, but not limited to, trademarks, text, graphics, logos, icons, images, audio files and software) is owned or licensed by us and is protected by applicable national and international laws. Any unauthorised use of the content of this website, including the total or partial reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, publication, exhibition and/or representation thereof is strictly prohibited. In particular, using images displayed on this website outside thereof is strictly prohibited, unless explicit consent has been obtained from DRUMWIT.
  • 19.2. The DRUMWIT trademark is registered and protected by the applicable intellectual property laws.
  • 19.3. The links (or links to other websites) that appear on our "Website" (www.drumwit.com), are provided for the sole purpose of informing the "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary"; therefore, DRUMWIT shall not be held liable for the products, services or content offered or provided on the landing pages located on another domain.


  • 20.1. DRUMWIT shall publish photographs and videos of the different "Destinations" on its social networks.
  • 20.2. DRUMWIT shall not publish any photographs of the "Customers" and/or "Beneficiaries" on its social networks unless they have given their authorisation.
  • 20.3. The "Customer" and/or the "Beneficiary" who authorises DRUMWIT to publish any photograph and/or any video sent by them on its social networks thereby waives the right to receive any remuneration for such publication.
  • 20.4. DRUMWIT shall not be held responsible for inappropriate, offensive, insulting, discriminatory or discriminatory comments or comments that may violate the rights of third parties, made by any person, whether or not a follower of DRUMWIT, on its social networks.
  • 20.5. The provisions of Condition 3 with regard to the obligation to properly use and avoid the misuse of our "Website" shall apply to the use of our social networks.


DRUMWIT has taken out a surety insurance policy with AXA to guarantee coverage should DRUMWIT become insolvent, in accordance with the regulations in force.


  • 22.1. This Version,which is "Version 2023", of the "General Terms and Conditions" is applicable to "Trips" that are purchased from the date on which they are published on the "Website"

    The "Trips" contracted previously shall continue to be governed by their own General Terms and Conditions, in force at the time they were contracted, as they are an integral part of the Contract entered into between DRUMWIT and the "Customer".
  • 22.2. This version shall remain valid until DRUMWIT makes any modification(s) or update(s)thereto. See Condition 14.


  • 23.1. The "General Terms and Conditions" shall be available at all times on the DRUMWIT website and can be consulted at any time. If you have any questions, please get in touch with "Us".
  • 23.2. Furthermore, DRUMWIT may register them in the competent public register.


  • 24.1. Communications between DRUMWIT and the "Customer", through any means of communication whatsoever (telephone, WhatsApp and/or email), shall be made by default in Spanish. In the event that the "Customer" does not speak and/or understand Spanish, communications shall be in English.
  • 24.2. If you would like to obtain these "General Terms and Conditions" in Catalan, as this is the official language in Barcelona, the place the "Contract" is concluded in, please contact "Us" so that we can send them to you forthwith.
  • 24.3. Although we have done our utmost to ensure that they are understandable, DRUMWIT is of course available to answer any questions you may have with regard these "General Terms and Conditions".
"The best thing about a trip ... Is always the next one!!"