Discover how straightforward it is to book a trip with DRUMWIT to enjoy your European getaway.

Let's get started!

Decide the basics of the adventure: The number of travellers, the departure airport, the type of pack, etc.

How many days do want to be away?

Select the trip duration. The standard pack is for 3 days (2 nights).

When do you want to travel?

Choose the dates on which to enjoy your Drumwit. The calendar will show all available dates.

Reject destinations

If you don't feel like travelling to a particular destination, you can remove it from the list. Reject between 1 and 3 destinations for free depending on the type of pack you've chosen. The maximum number of destinations you can reject is 6.

Add extras

Here you can choose between several options for an even more bespoke adventure: Flight time slots, luggage, etc.

Fill in your details

Fill in your personal details. "DrumTip": Register to speed up your future bookings, it's quick and easy. What's more, you'll be entered into the POINTS PROGRAMME, to get discounts off your future Drumwit getaways.


After making the payment, you'll be sent a confirmation email with your booking reference number. Then, all you have to do is impatiently wait until we reveal the destination and all the information about your getaway, between 72 and 48 hours before the departure date. Will you be able to handle the suspense? LET THE ADVENTURE BEGIN!

That's how easy it is to travel with DRUMWIT!

The best thing about a trip? It's always the next one!